

by Unknown


Avatar dabp left feedback: October 2015
try looking at doublecross for inspiration! that map has some cool routes to the flag
Avatar That companion cube made an annotation at 955 1523 161 while standing at 955 1670 161 October 2015
needs to get rid of cheap sentry places
Avatar X3_ left feedback: October 2015
take a look at some other ctf maps, see what they do different and think about why
Avatar seagulls eating your knees made an annotation at -459 -1264 68 while standing at -907 -1336 132 October 2015
map is too simple. it feels like a meat grinder.
Avatar tyler left feedback: October 2015
i believe you could have a canyon map that had some more open areas to maneuver in, suiting tf2 better
Avatar Poof left feedback: October 2015
On top of that, you end up with impossible sentry spots because everywhere is an enterance, while nowhere is an exit.
Avatar Poof left feedback: October 2015
The rooms and bases themselves are relatively small, and without much room to manuver.
Avatar Poof left feedback: October 2015
The issue is how small everything is.
Avatar X3_ made an annotation at 240 13 315 while standing at 1866 340 427 October 2015
this sightline is still pretty powerful
Avatar aui left feedback: October 2015
too much height near spawns means soilders are everywhere spamming down on everyone and scouts jumping everywhere
Avatar dabp left feedback: October 2015
yes, not enough routes, scouts rule on this map
Avatar seagulls eating your knees made an annotation at -103 -970 118 while standing at 37 -847 190 October 2015
it feels like there's a route missing
Avatar X3_ left feedback: October 2015
the intel room just feels like a wider corridor
Avatar Phonsce left feedback: October 2015
I noticed there is a long way from red to blu, maybe you could put some demoknight charge ramps to make it a bit easier
Avatar tyler left feedback: October 2015
too easy to camp near spawn/intel, all routes are just tunnels
Avatar tyler left feedback: October 2015
usually the amount of routes between areas is 2.5-3.5
Avatar Lethargy the Ghost left feedback: October 2015
mark capture zones
Avatar Gamecube762 left feedback: October 2015
Each team has a single spawn which is next to the intel room. This can encourage camping
Avatar Anreol left feedback: October 2015
the map is just the bases, that are a respawnroom and a tower with hallways and the intel room
Avatar tyler left feedback: October 2015
intel is basically behind a couple of spammy hallways
Avatar tyler left feedback: October 2015
dont like how concentrated the routes are and how tightly they merge together at mid
Avatar Gamecube762 left feedback: October 2015
Spawn rooms are 2 seconds from the intel room. Allowing engis to build fast sentries with no worry of ammo
Avatar X3_ made an annotation at -1990 -1129 432 while standing at 103 600 252 October 2015
this sightline could be bad?
Avatar Phonsce made an annotation at -1755 -1445 253 while standing at -1182 -776 404 October 2015
This spot looks like a final control point, you could make a variant like badlands koth and cp
Avatar Anreol left feedback: October 2015
map is just the bases, and a rock in the middle
Avatar Anreol left feedback: October 2015
wooooooow, the intel rooms are way too small and have a lot of hallways, easy to engies to defend
Avatar ibex left feedback: October 2015
should use some variation in the color of your dev brushes so we can tell which side belongs to which team