30/0/70 Round Win % (10 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Mr. Burguers made an annotation at -774 -2222 583 while standing at -906 -1863 651 July 2017
RED has these but BLU doesn't
Avatar Mr. Burguers made an annotation at -1588 2839 -331 while standing at -1696 3245 510 July 2017
What is this
Avatar Mr. Burguers made an annotation at -763 3715 512 while standing at -707 3638 578 July 2017
RED has things here but BLU doesn't
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at 201 -259 554 while standing at 213 -258 589 July 2017
you can hide here and the only way for enemies to find you is to go all the way around thru spawn
Avatar Mr. Burguers made an annotation at -183 3339 276 while standing at -197 3441 351 July 2017
RED doesn't have these signs. (I can also stand on them but that's not that problematic)
Avatar Mr. Burguers made an annotation at -960 3083 987 while standing at -950 3103 1002 July 2017
RED has a 'sign' up here but BLU doesn't
Avatar Mr. Burguers made an annotation at -577 2194 689 while standing at -632 1844 733 July 2017
overlay cut off, set it to be rendered on both brushes
Avatar squ1rrel made an annotation at 9 3316 324 while standing at -22 3489 324 July 2017
maybe bit steep