
Temper - B1

by DrLambda


Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2015
for what it's worth, i like the detailing
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2015
I see health sometimes, but it's not landmark-y like it should be in arena. think of that one official alpine arena map
Avatar re1wind left feedback: June 2015
health is okay, ammo is bit of a scout/demo/soldier-centric
Avatar stegarootbeer left feedback: June 2015
map is too small
Avatar Shadow Esper made an annotation at 9 1917 484 while standing at 81 1934 517 June 2015
this sniper roof is the most powerful thing in existance
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 505 509 309 while standing at 450 386 416 June 2015
these support things should not disappear at a distance, makes it look like people are floating
Avatar killohurtz left feedback: June 2015
fps is awful everywhere
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 3821 923 126 while standing at 3863 1137 233 June 2015
your skybox buildings look weird because they're basically all the same orientation, switch the closer ones around
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2015
the crane rope really looks weird with the top half being 16x bigger
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 357 -347 23 while standing at 405 -335 68 June 2015
why can't I build in here??? makes no sense
Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2015
(the beams on the sides of the buildings i mean. i keep getting caught on them.)
Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2015
for the love of god clip the beams!!
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2015
it looks like your skybox material texture size is 0.25 when it should be divided by 16 to match in-level?
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: June 2015
every round we win I realize that I didn't get to do anything
Avatar ::Egan:: left feedback: June 2015
areas do feel a bit cramped - i cant seem to add variety to my step
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -39 1708 322 while standing at 52 1736 383 June 2015
my fps here is 40, what?
Avatar Spicyfingers Jones left feedback: June 2015
map is way too small
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at -1423 1592 318 while standing at -1378 1565 412 June 2015
there was a heavy up here and there was nothing I could do to defend myself
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2015
the capture point model is floating
Avatar Shadow Esper made an annotation at -76 1773 34 while standing at -813 193 546 June 2015
this snpier spots see the whole map
Avatar Jan made an annotation at -986 1565 149 while standing at -1329 1565 209 June 2015
feels too narrow
Avatar Stinkie made an annotation at 97 -74 12 while standing at 115 -70 19 June 2015
I like the verticality of the map, but maybe a bit too friendly for soldiers, demos and gunslinger engies?
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -716 1000 127 while standing at -563 1117 95 June 2015
not sure about this use of brick texture
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2015
cannot find ammo around outskirts
Avatar piss baby left feedback: June 2015
minisentries are OP
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 555 -501 78 while standing at 468 -344 65 June 2015
this door texture is still stretched!!
Avatar piss baby left feedback: June 2015
haven't found many problems yet.. fun map!
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at 329 1976 173 while standing at 358 1965 219 June 2015
kind of an odd spot for health
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at -334 2058 12 while standing at -409 2212 75 June 2015
got stuck on this prop
Avatar chemelia left feedback: June 2015
map feels like a box full of stuff
Avatar Shady The First left feedback: June 2015
map to complex for arena
Avatar |TAW| Humans are Weak left feedback: June 2015
just not enough metal for classes like heavy or pyro
Avatar Corvatile left feedback: June 2015
steps indoors are weirdly large