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Utilia S2

by Lain


Avatar tyler left feedback: September 2015
would be great if the various intel/cap rooms werent so hard to camp, unless thats what youre going for, in which case gj
Avatar SnickerPuffs left feedback: September 2015
Map's a bit small.
Avatar SnickerPuffs made an annotation at -519 5630 -26 while standing at -541 5669 47 September 2015
This seems to be a bad idea.
Avatar SnickerPuffs left feedback: September 2015
This map seems almost fullbright. Crank down the brightness level. It's the forth number on 'brightness'
Avatar Sleepy Joe Awakens left feedback: September 2015
the only way i found the cap zone was by chance seeing the small control point
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: September 2015
oh I see now there are signs but they disappear instantly. That's dumb dude, waaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more signs
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: September 2015
so the _only_ way to win is to kill everyone
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: September 2015
just a limit on players alive
Avatar robo left feedback: September 2015
route from australium to cap is very small, its basically a straight line
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: September 2015
maybe no limit on caps, but
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: September 2015
currently after the first cap, it feels very, extremely, overwhelmingly, onesided
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: September 2015
I think I'd like to see a two intel version, so that a losing team has a chance to cap after the first team does.
Avatar zornor left feedback: September 2015
cool map concept, just needs more (PERMANENT) signage
Avatar robo left feedback: September 2015
itd be cool if when the aussie is capped all alive team members get healed to full
Avatar Sleepy Joe Awakens left feedback: September 2015
barely any signs, cant tell where australium or capture zone is
Avatar LeSwordfish left feedback: September 2015
outside areas are very large
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: September 2015
still no signs from spawn, they're REEAAAALLLY important for alpha versions where people don't know the laytout
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -2059 2811 461 while standing at -1610 2183 456 September 2015
very spooky in here
Avatar Aksel made an annotation at -3298 3394 -482 while standing at -3174 2754 527 September 2015
rocket explosions can damage people through the floor
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: September 2015
Second cap seems a bit pointless because you just revived all of your team so why do they need to rub it in?
Avatar tyler left feedback: September 2015
much better than the version i wrote a book about
Avatar Osspial made an annotation at -1206 5319 64 while standing at -1210 5333 100 September 2015
decals (such as explosions) cause z-fighting here
Avatar radarhead left feedback: September 2015
Why are the spawns so open?
Avatar tyler left feedback: September 2015
doubled sound files?