40/20/40 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Acid


Avatar Hipster_Duck left feedback: October 2017
Mid is very dark
Avatar Crrrrrrystal left feedback: October 2017
to fix the stalemate, consider giving mid a KOTH clock and making capping last a second way to victory
Avatar B.A.S.E left feedback: October 2017
map drags on
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2017
I like trains, we need more trains
Avatar Sor left feedback: October 2017
HL2 FENCES UNPLAYABLE NONONO (the fence textures on catwalks)
Avatar Muddy left feedback: October 2017
no it doesn't
Avatar B.A.S.E left feedback: October 2017
train moves too fast
Avatar blamo left feedback: October 2017
by point I mean mid
Avatar blamo left feedback: October 2017
somehow I died while capping the point, this could've been due to the train or the platform being raised yp
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2017
Stickies can float if the point goes up/down with stickies on them
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -4000 2514 42 while standing at -4074 2434 52 October 2017
long spiral staircases like this are annoying and unfun to traverse in tf2
Avatar Muddy left feedback: October 2017
yeah the mid point keeps killing people while it's moving - maybe put a func_brush around it? also disable crushing damage
Avatar A random wallaby made an annotation at -2436 683 281 while standing at -2591 549 313 October 2017
not sure about the blind area
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: October 2017
Avatar Sor left feedback: October 2017
the center cap is a nice gimmick that isnt ruining the gameplay gj
Avatar Crrrrrrystal left feedback: October 2017
mid near the crates is way too dark for how close to gamepaly it is
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -1871 1311 278 while standing at -1929 1350 164 October 2017
turn off light collision it's ANNOYING
Avatar blamo left feedback: October 2017
thankfully (as a scout main I suppose) map is pretty good for scouts
Avatar Muddy left feedback: October 2017
i jumped on the mid point and it killed me somehow
Avatar Crrrrrrystal left feedback: October 2017
medium to push
Avatar Charrky left feedback: October 2017
easy to push
Avatar B.A.S.E left feedback: October 2017
not easy to push
Avatar Crrrrrrystal left feedback: October 2017
ooo i like the dynamic point with the train
Avatar Crrrrrrystal made an annotation at -1066 902 66 while standing at -3209 900 -39 October 2017
this sightline is crazy. sightlines like this are not fun
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 3787 1450 -69 while standing at 3285 1826 316 October 2017
oh the yellow lighting applies here also
Avatar Muddy left feedback: October 2017
also the mid being caked in an ugly yellow makes it very unappealing
Avatar B.A.S.E made an annotation at 1323 1198 -29 while standing at 1365 1191 171 October 2017
dont use hl2 texture
Avatar blamo left feedback: October 2017
lighting makes it hard to tell teams apart
Avatar B.A.S.E left feedback: October 2017
map could look beter if it was day
Avatar Muddy left feedback: October 2017
well, the environment lighting is dark. please light it up muchly
Avatar A random wallaby made an annotation at 3922 2559 129 while standing at 3923 2558 129 October 2017
red lights might make blue players look red
Avatar Muddy left feedback: October 2017
very dark overall
Avatar Crrrrrrystal made an annotation at 2610 835 253 while standing at 2973 973 316 October 2017
this area is still too dark, i think it was the same in a prev iteration. brightness is very imposrtant in TF2
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 4078 2426 244 while standing at 4024 2663 316 October 2017
try not to have really bright coloured lights in your map, cos they can mess with team colours