33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)

Akim - A10

by [T.C.B.M]DrSquishy


Avatar The Announcer left feedback: June 2018
i feel like this map is too simple and doesnt have something to make it stand out
Avatar Shadow Esper left feedback: (Completed - View) June 2018
Avatar md made an annotation at -723 -3777 197 while standing at -781 -3819 217 (Completed - View) June 2018
Avatar erk made an annotation at 604 1323 271 while standing at 764 1403 344 June 2018
a route on top of here to get to this platform would be great for everyone
Avatar erk left feedback: June 2018
some of the map feels kind of tight? maybe opening up a few places before the first point like merc park could help?
Avatar md made an annotation at 729 -2375 257 while standing at 727 -2377 256 June 2018
I thought I'd be able to jump over the fence
Avatar Kine² made an annotation at 838 1635 69 while standing at 295 -220 267 June 2018
the red cap sign gets in the way of this sniping angle
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at 645 3103 -31 while standing at 615 3026 -29 June 2018
dodgy shadows
Avatar md made an annotation at 808 -2235 223 while standing at 1201 -2408 229 June 2018
rotating between this flank and the main route to 2nd takes a long time as slower classes that can't jump over the fence
Avatar Kine² made an annotation at -250 -2061 313 while standing at -135 -2043 395 June 2018
this tallest crate isn't necessary for jumping up
Avatar Scooby-doo made an annotation at -741 -3485 157 while standing at -782 -3458 163 June 2018
is the ressuply locker in the wall intentional ?
Avatar Thewtus made an annotation at -831 -3238 169 while standing at -834 -3688 192 June 2018
only one exit here
Avatar Thewtus made an annotation at 1224 1529 30 while standing at 678 1410 344 June 2018
really looks like I should go over there