73/0/27 Round Win % (60 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Super Lux Deluxe


Avatar devil are cry left feedback: September 2021
rooves are a bit thick
Avatar AjentMM made an annotation at 2709 5331 291 while standing at 2706 5331 292 September 2021
Avatar AjentMM made an annotation at 328 4150 494 while standing at 679 4147 292 September 2021
Avatar gamers. they targeted gamers. made an annotation at 2446 4339 284 while standing at 2573 4321 324 September 2021
big step?
Avatar Mr.pep THE SKELETON left feedback: September 2021
these cap times are absurd
Avatar Ismac left feedback: September 2021
having to die to place a teleporter after capping b is kinda annoying
Avatar func_maid left feedback: September 2021
red is led wrong way out of their first spawn
Avatar func_maid made an annotation at 2902 6785 381 while standing at 2937 6856 417 September 2021
clip this
Avatar Эмil left feedback: September 2021
Avatar Эмil left feedback: September 2021
last has 3 ammo packs for engies
Avatar func_maid left feedback: September 2021
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at 6515 8095 502 while standing at 6511 8087 516 September 2021
Avatar who smelt it, de, dealt it left feedback: September 2021
combat seems to primarily biased to the other side
Avatar who smelt it, de, dealt it made an annotation at 5361 6149 640 while standing at 5472 6118 699 September 2021
dont think I've ever seen someone be around here
Avatar who smelt it, de, dealt it made an annotation at 941 5878 535 while standing at 1909 6524 489 September 2021
cant really take out their tele
Avatar who smelt it, de, dealt it made an annotation at 945 6260 517 while standing at 1911 6556 505 September 2021
inaccessible places like these for spies kinda suck
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at 5467 7317 757 while standing at 5419 7285 789 September 2021
is this nobuilt to only teles???
Avatar func_maid made an annotation at 3175 3412 248 while standing at 3175 3366 292 September 2021
why can i go this far in but no further
Avatar func_maid made an annotation at 2090 1628 324 while standing at 2088 1631 324 September 2021
clip this
Avatar func_maid made an annotation at 2326 1678 324 while standing at 2327 1679 324 September 2021
clip this
Avatar Prec1sioN made an annotation at 1175 5453 286 while standing at 1179 5432 321 September 2021
why is this concrete reflective? it is wet?
Avatar Prec1sioN made an annotation at 1224 650 -80 while standing at 1822 1079 289 September 2021
add some netting to show invisible walls
Avatar chin made an annotation at 6074 7914 1053 while standing at 5135 7891 523 August 2021
i like the last detail :)
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at 1225 5760 565 while standing at 845 5662 574 August 2021
I hath found the secret room
Avatar chin left feedback: August 2021
spawncampers should BLU ever get there by running to last immediately after capping B
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at 5862 7951 460 while standing at 5877 8017 492 August 2021
remove these rails imo, they just get in the way of gameplay
Avatar chin left feedback: August 2021
fight for, not given to you for free with stairs and ladders for free. The stairs outside RED last spawn also helps spawnca
Avatar The -- Jorolap made an annotation at 2463 6927 425 while standing at 2561 6745 484 August 2021
make this door smaller so it is easier to hold as red, now it is a lost case
Avatar chin made an annotation at 4632 8598 388 while standing at 5034 7565 831 August 2021
I'd rethink the height on C a lot more, It's fun for RED to hop around on so id keep that but make it a space you need to f
Avatar Lv7 Kobold Wizard made an annotation at 3089 7645 411 while standing at 3089 7401 411 August 2021
I like most of the map except for last. Last is way too defense biased. Not enough options of approach.
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at 5905 6934 517 while standing at 5952 7236 756 August 2021
unclipped stairs
Avatar Catazat left feedback: August 2021
Point 3 is way too hard for blu to push
Avatar Catazat left feedback: August 2021
I feel like capture times should be a little shorter.
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: August 2021
disable speccams for areas that are no longer in play
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at 6357 7057 461 while standing at 4643 8517 473 August 2021
this sightline is nuts
Avatar ITSPICE left feedback: August 2021
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at 3089 6657 315 while standing at 3144 6629 361 August 2021
what is the floorplate prop doing here
Avatar Idolon left feedback: August 2021
the approach to B for blue is awkward imo, feels very blind
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at 2847 3519 405 while standing at 2332 3595 529 August 2021
containers don't vertex light very gracefully
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 2141 6170 516 while standing at 1865 6208 497 August 2021
you don't need artificial lighting here
Avatar ITSPICE made an annotation at 2059 6481 350 while standing at 2115 6483 292 August 2021
this overhang is a bit intense
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2021
too many narrow doorways to first, widen things a tad
Avatar smig left feedback: August 2021
I wish this map offered me at least ONE route that isn't a tiny ass doorway
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2021
last has too many good sentry spots on the roof
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 4620 9114 458 while standing at 4919 6691 443 August 2021
can blue get into last without crossing this sightline? seems like i could shut down every push if i hit my shots
Avatar Tang made an annotation at 5767 8076 436 while standing at 5910 8177 494 August 2021
this is dark
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at 5473 7120 505 while standing at 5414 7033 516 August 2021
use stop hand door
Avatar Osac made an annotation at 3007 6268 372 while standing at 3007 5818 372 August 2021
teleporters in the bush in A are very hard to see
Avatar dont use the dye. thats cheatin made an annotation at 1178 4513 549 while standing at 1270 4528 548 August 2021
(this texture includes a doorframe)
Avatar Serbian Hammer made an annotation at 1609 4790 252 while standing at 1679 4860 292 August 2021
these steps look like you need to jump even though they are clipped
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 1854 2204 292 while standing at 1854 1357 292 August 2021
up the texture scale for the water, makes it less repetitive
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1980 3343 262 while standing at 1774 3588 321 August 2021
too bright
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1308 3204 604 while standing at 1411 3207 321 August 2021
this light is very bright
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 466 4156 342 while standing at 504 4160 289 August 2021
love the frog
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 6929 8710 228 while standing at 6339 8735 643 August 2021
increase the scale of this water texture to something like .5
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 2903 2883 275 while standing at 2816 2848 289 August 2021
clip these beams
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 1626 2383 476 while standing at 2796 2710 553 August 2021
this roof is the same height as the others in the playspace but cant be accesed
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 1969 6552 447 while standing at 1998 6546 490 August 2021
i think the trim of this roof is too big, 4-8 hu is big enough
Avatar Wonder of U (ザ・ワンダー made an annotation at 1773 4908 235 while standing at 989 5207 539 August 2021
this could be a good flank for blue
Avatar smig made an annotation at 5240 9041 403 while standing at 5193 9154 465 August 2021
This whole point feels like a box filled with buildings, could be better.
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 5320 8665 383 while standing at 5597 8801 497 August 2021
I really like this area, feels like a team death match map
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 3196 3493 267 while standing at 3159 3145 292 August 2021
needs to either be widened to be a flank, or tighter so it doesnt look like one
Avatar Red Dagger made an annotation at 5990 7740 780 while standing at 5210 7882 523 August 2021
the balcony area is in shadow, should be lit so players are easy to see
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 3183 3883 245 while standing at 3175 3461 292 August 2021
this feels like it could be a flank, I can imagine many spys getting stuck here
Avatar who smelt it, de, dealt it made an annotation at 3074 8148 407 while standing at 3052 8311 363 August 2021
pretty thick rooves
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 2153 6969 580 while standing at 2245 6654 469 August 2021
this looks weird
Avatar St.Pattyy made an annotation at 1856 2842 211 while standing at 1865 2621 239 August 2021
B and C don't really have any good sentry spots, Mainly B
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 1770 5287 377 while standing at 2034 5830 292 August 2021
this roof segment doesnt have any supports
Avatar smig made an annotation at 1926 5923 545 while standing at 1976 5929 595 August 2021
This spot is insane, once players figure this area out on red, blu is never reaching B again.
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1854 5381 432 while standing at 2343 5568 292 August 2021
I feel like this roof here is way too powerful for red to use and doesnt allow for soldiers to rocket jump and exit
Avatar Biggest Boss [Knockout] left feedback: August 2021
might want to consider some of the roof spots on the final point
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 1836 7029 489 while standing at 1617 6742 347 August 2021
this part looks really odd
Avatar Red Dagger made an annotation at 647 4115 246 while standing at 669 4016 331 August 2021
I know the clipping here is good for gameplay but it doesn't match with the visuals
Avatar smig left feedback: August 2021
this map feels like the routing has no focus, combat is very scattered and chaotic and not in a good way
Avatar Serbian Hammer left feedback: August 2021
I like the amount of health and ammopacks around the map
Avatar Serbian Hammer left feedback: August 2021
the two little windows on b create very awkward angles
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo made an annotation at 2409 5869 229 while standing at 2234 6221 292 August 2021
this route feels useful for red more than blu
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo made an annotation at 2518 2264 200 while standing at 2613 2280 258 August 2021
this angled wall actually makes the jump up kinda awkward if ur facing it
Avatar smig left feedback: August 2021
Please just have spawns face direction players need to go.
Avatar smig left feedback: August 2021
This walk from red forward to A is ass, there is no reason to have everyone do a 180 degree turn.
Avatar Biggest Boss [Knockout] made an annotation at 5135 8318 609 while standing at 5694 7149 516 August 2021
barn kinda lags
Avatar Wonder of U (ザ・ワンダー made an annotation at 1697 6194 238 while standing at 1130 5921 532 August 2021
blue could have a flank from here
Avatar Serbian Hammer left feedback: August 2021
this spot feels too easy to hold, you don't even need soldiers or demos to get up here
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo left feedback: August 2021
let blu get up to where forward spawn is at B and then move the forward spawn. maybe
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 519 287 -71 while standing at 1816 1348 299 August 2021
could do with a boat c:
Avatar Baljeet Gaming YT 2021 Official made an annotation at 1639 4717 264 while standing at 1630 4450 331 August 2021
it takes sso long to cap A
Avatar Wonder of U (ザ・ワンダー made an annotation at 1253 3520 491 while standing at 1234 3487 539 August 2021
move the healthpack and ammopacks
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2021
I really dig the detailing so far. Looks unique somehow
Avatar Cargo_Tokens made an annotation at 1626 4530 266 while standing at 1705 5207 331 August 2021
red doesn't have a lot of areas to get high ground at A after they lose the spawn hold
Avatar Zeus left feedback: August 2021
def hard to push into 3rd, whole team just sitting right there behind all the chokes
Avatar punkrock snep gf ΘΔ(she/they/ made an annotation at 1082 5534 333 while standing at 1816 7212 382 August 2021
can see props fading from here
Avatar Uyuxo😉 left feedback: August 2021
this shed doesnt have a door
Avatar voosh left feedback: August 2021
window here
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 780 4150 296 while standing at 759 4159 299 August 2021
odd you can't shoot through the big gaps in these gates
Avatar voosh left feedback: August 2021
have a window here
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 1963 4489 337 while standing at 1945 4618 411 August 2021
too easy to hide players n buildings in these bushes
Avatar PyroDevil left feedback: August 2021
Point A feels like it can be defended easily by spamming as demo
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at 1726 5052 284 while standing at 1694 5046 331 August 2021
really dislike the reflective concrete texture used in here
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2021
last feels like if dustbowl had a hate baby with turbine and was mothered by harvest
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2021
red being able to get ontop of the roofs might seem like a good gimmick, but it really isn't
Avatar voosh left feedback: August 2021
need a door on the right side to push last
Avatar Banafen left feedback: August 2021
blu feels a bit bottlenecked for point C
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: August 2021
everything into last are small doorways easy to spam
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 4995 6414 649 while standing at 5080 6406 737 August 2021
a sniper here can cover both exits blue can't even push
Avatar Banafen made an annotation at 3394 7264 386 while standing at 3791 6592 449 August 2021
point of this building?
Avatar fish enthusiast made an annotation at 2804 7071 508 while standing at 2783 7000 481 August 2021
theres a dev texture on this wall
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2021
blue's pools make me happy :>
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo made an annotation at 1651 1364 211 while standing at 1657 1344 225 August 2021
Avatar Rick St. Riot made an annotation at 1736 1388 230 while standing at 1854 1075 292 August 2021
love blu spawn
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 1870 2429 472 while standing at 1949 3050 532 August 2021
this roof is clipped despite being the same height as multiple playable areas
Avatar jade made an annotation at 3938 8366 434 while standing at 3944 8385 452 August 2021
pls clip this prop
Avatar timothy2014 #fixtf2 left feedback: August 2021
there's no point playing engineer on any point but last
Avatar Defcon left feedback: August 2021
the rooftops you can and cannot access on last feel a bit arbitrary
Avatar Spleep made an annotation at 1824 6540 382 while standing at 1659 6548 309 August 2021
make this roof overhang smaller
Avatar dragon small z made an annotation at 3843 8334 470 while standing at 3882 8000 449 August 2021
these things have such clunky collission
Avatar Wonder of U (ザ・ワンダー made an annotation at 1176 6293 478 while standing at 1200 6407 532 August 2021
some stairs here pls
Avatar Fault in Hello Kitty made an annotation at 3873 7999 454 while standing at 3894 8002 459 August 2021
Avatar Fault in Hello Kitty made an annotation at 2568 2337 197 while standing at 2646 2211 299 August 2021
odd collision here
Avatar jade made an annotation at 3153 3369 298 while standing at 3175 3461 299 August 2021
should i be supposed to stand here?
Avatar Habber the Quesomancer made an annotation at 2998 6367 366 while standing at 3046 6629 475 August 2021
it feels awkward that this spawn basically faces directly away from the point you're supposed to go to.
Avatar dragon small z made an annotation at 1048 1126 -81 while standing at 1833 1230 289 August 2021
scale up your water textures
Avatar jade left feedback: August 2021
on last, it feels like theres a lot of sniper sightlines that make it hard to cap as blue since there seems to be no flanks
Avatar dragon small z made an annotation at 5931 7027 566 while standing at 5880 6954 569 August 2021
super thick stairs
Avatar batman returns to the batcave left feedback: August 2021
Avatar batman returns to the batcave left feedback: August 2021
the reduce it
Avatar Spleep made an annotation at 6120 6639 509 while standing at 6249 6577 516 August 2021
window portal is a bit too agressive
Avatar batman returns to the batcave made an annotation at 4263 8603 624 while standing at 4249 8607 660 August 2021
stand here and type r_lockpvs 1 and see whats rendering
Avatar Fault in Hello Kitty made an annotation at 1058 6017 484 while standing at 1039 5945 539 August 2021
spys have no way up here to deal with teleporters
Avatar jade made an annotation at 3440 6748 416 while standing at 3700 6839 452 August 2021
point of this room for blue?
Avatar punkrock snep gf ΘΔ(she/they/ made an annotation at 5924 6416 604 while standing at 5948 6230 523 August 2021
lighting gets kinda weird here when the door opens
Avatar grugposter made an annotation at 1508 2070 322 while standing at 1146 1785 321 August 2021
crazy sniper sightline into spawn from here
Avatar CHICKEN GREMLIN made an annotation at 962 5201 529 while standing at 962 5167 532 August 2021
I know what is beyond this door, I disagree with the claim inside, you are awesome and don't suck. Also a lot of cutouts