39/0/61 Round Win % (31 rounds) (Click for more information)


by 14bit | Team Heavy


Avatar BloodyDelta made an annotation at 415 -940 244 while standing at 548 -1178 148 September 2016
misleading rooftop I can't rocket jump on\
Avatar Diva Dan made an annotation at 2359 2079 96 while standing at 2123 2603 129 (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Diva Dan made an annotation at 2257 -48 190 while standing at 2674 -17 323 July 2016
if you added a plank here, going to mid from second might be a little easier
Avatar Gabe Noodle from Volvo made an annotation at 2244 3533 137 while standing at 2273 3550 128 July 2016
as soldier I can get to enemies second just after they do
Avatar Knusperfrosch made an annotation at 2096 -88 197 while standing at 2617 -8 274 July 2016
it'S annoying that you can't jump cross here
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: July 2016
middle feels overwhelming, there are 2 doors, lower areas, and flanks to the left and right
Avatar Knusperfrosch left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Diva Dan made an annotation at 2208 3744 180 while standing at 2181 3687 196 (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Rasmur made an annotation at 2694 -353 82 while standing at 2324 -550 75 (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 1922 3421 184 while standing at 1924 3371 196 (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Habber the Quesomancer made an annotation at 1899 -11 17 while standing at 1815 -10 68 (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at 1786 -589 259 while standing at 1780 -535 267 (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Tuaam left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar ekscelle.dll left feedback: July 2016
cool map, really like the layout
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -804 2 206 while standing at -668 6 267 (Completed - View) July 2016
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -1981 -1652 -12 while standing at -2599 -2528 260 July 2016
sightline with cover that soldiers can use
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -2237 -3176 160 while standing at -2653 -2797 260 July 2016
the cubemaps broke here, it isnt reflecting properly outside blue spawn