100/0/0 Round Win % (2 rounds) (Click for more information)


by 14bit


Avatar Glubbable ❥ left feedback: July 2018
I think the carts covering over the point just cause issues
Avatar Duan. made an annotation at -2314 2782 520 while standing at -2355 2811 587 (Completed - View) July 2018
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: July 2018
point A feels rather small
Avatar MaartenS11 | TF2Classic made an annotation at 2534 538 -31 while standing at 2535 536 -31 (Completed - View) July 2018
Avatar MaartenS11 | TF2Classic made an annotation at -319 403 21 while standing at 2535 536 0 (Completed - View) July 2018
Avatar Pigzit made an annotation at 24 3591 912 while standing at -378 3936 657 (Completed - View) July 2018
Avatar MaartenS11 | TF2Classic made an annotation at 829 3938 818 while standing at 932 4002 843 July 2018
glowing floor light
Avatar Flipy made an annotation at -669 -77 4 while standing at 2372 641 11 July 2018
example sightline of that
Avatar Flipy left feedback: July 2018
for 1st- the gondolas block snipers from headshotting but you can theoretically still one shot body shot underside it
Avatar MaartenS11 | TF2Classic made an annotation at 1656 -1059 -211 while standing at 899 -263 68 July 2018
you can stand here