

by Unknown


Avatar asd417 left feedback: February 2020
map in general is dark
Avatar gamers. they targeted gamers. left feedback: February 2020
when testing the map run around as heavy or demo and get a feel for size
Avatar OctoBlitzVA left feedback: February 2020
your map's overscaled, use player models to get a sense of how big everything is.
Avatar gamers. they targeted gamers. made an annotation at 97 -413 -85 while standing at 73 -157 -62 February 2020
theres no reason for mid to be symmetrical the other way as well, this is just wasted space
Avatar 100mg progesterone burger left feedback: February 2020
double shutters out of base isnt great, shutters should be used as little as possible
Avatar Narpas ♪ made an annotation at 4049 -2431 -386 while standing at 4055 -2423 -383 February 2020
visible nodraw
Avatar asd417 made an annotation at -1437 -1479 -227 while standing at -1401 -1477 -195 February 2020
sometimes get stuck in the displacement
Avatar 100mg progesterone burger left feedback: February 2020
so much wasted empty space at last
Avatar rymden made an annotation at 4057 -2254 -469 while standing at 4101 -2209 -439 February 2020
Pack your textures, there are misssing textures on this staircase
Avatar 100mg progesterone burger made an annotation at 3958 -2365 -451 while standing at 4077 -2244 -424 February 2020
missing texture on side of this stair trim
Avatar poy made an annotation at -4067 -2290 -455 while standing at -4138 -2231 -421 February 2020
missing textures
Avatar 100mg progesterone burger made an annotation at 4618 -1765 -393 while standing at 4643 -1825 -348 February 2020
clip this hazard tape or make it a func_illusionary