50/0/50 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Pigzit

  • Game Mode: Capture Points
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: April 2023 on Demos


Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -3675 -2337 106 while standing at -3981 -2459 152 April 2023
i kept getting directed towards this dead end and having to do a 180 to get back to the route
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -3562 1509 267 while standing at -3564 1519 267 April 2023
OOB looking fresh :D
Avatar Camel (Pure EVIL) left feedback: April 2023
am i supposed to get here
Avatar August101 made an annotation at -5216 -875 351 while standing at -5216 -796 401 April 2023
on round 2 red set up a nest in this spot and held
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -1367 -543 91 while standing at -2011 -833 171 April 2023
like fighting on this road is basically like fighting in a big hallway
Avatar Defcon left feedback: April 2023
I feel like you could leverage piers and the beach more on stage 1 to make these areas feel less flat
Avatar ZeppyDingus left feedback: April 2023
it always feels like blu is coming from every direction on stage 1
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: April 2023
Cap times might be a lil long, kinda leads to spawn camping as blue moves forward once they gaint control of the point area
Avatar ZeppyDingus left feedback: April 2023
it is never clear where I should build on defense as engineer
Avatar ZeppyDingus left feedback: April 2023
please add more than one exit to any spawn
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at -2744 1264 205 while standing at -2730 1345 267 April 2023
clip this
Avatar Camel (Pure EVIL) left feedback: April 2023
heavy stand in place and fire simulator
Avatar Defcon left feedback: April 2023
I wish the other points had memorable setpieces to fight around like the carrossel
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at 9073 1990 298 while standing at 9028 2012 305 April 2023
This 180 routing in spawn feels werid, makes rolling out as red harder than it needs to be.
Avatar asylum made an annotation at 7899 -581 127 while standing at 7832 -480 155 April 2023
should I be able to hide here?
Avatar asylum left feedback: April 2023
should i be able to hide here?
Avatar Camel (Pure EVIL) left feedback: April 2023
put smth here maybe
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 5020 -432 328 while standing at 5166 27 443 April 2023
this is a fun point idea
Avatar asylum made an annotation at -1804 1224 267 while standing at -1516 1224 267 April 2023
i was the sniper btw
Avatar asylum made an annotation at -5631 565 490 while standing at -5617 534 480 April 2023
that ammopack was very annoying where i was