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by Unknown


Avatar Vel0city left feedback: June 2016
dont let snipers snipe out of spawn
Avatar ])oo]v[ made an annotation at 4 892 204 while standing at -138 917 260 June 2016
doesnt seem right to just snipe outta spawn
Avatar Vel0city left feedback: June 2016
huge sniper sightlines from spawn area-> first point
Avatar Flash made an annotation at -829 -4046 445 while standing at -832 -4055 444 June 2016
get rid of the shutter on first its too easy to push 1sh if you have an uber
Avatar Vel0city made an annotation at -1149 -5465 363 while standing at -1239 -5679 389 June 2016
this is a very dark corner
Avatar Berry made an annotation at -543 -2799 396 while standing at -480 -2789 444 June 2016
don't force peeps to jump
Avatar Flash made an annotation at 586 1036 260 while standing at 228 1036 260 June 2016
long sightlines throught the map you could make more rocks to fix that'
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -323 -4721 275 while standing at -412 -4618 276 June 2016
visualization visible for blu team
Avatar Flash made an annotation at 588 863 260 while standing at 462 863 260 June 2016
sight line from blu spawn to the first point should get fixed
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: June 2016
spawn just completely overlooks the first point, feels like you need a bend or an extra yard between them
Avatar Vel0city made an annotation at -148 1016 198 while standing at 227 1036 267 June 2016
i spawned all the way from my team as medic
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -650 -4130 426 while standing at -630 -4310 451 June 2016
remove this door
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2016
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2016
There are so little changes this might as well be the old version from months ago. You should look that feedback up and use
Avatar zahndah left feedback: June 2016
red can only approach firrst from a big height disadvantage
Avatar Dachtone made an annotation at 39 -671 203 while standing at 82 -506 260 June 2016
place small ramp there, that thing stopped my jumped and get me killed
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2016
last is annoying to attack unless ur rollinh
Avatar zahndah left feedback: June 2016
last point area is too small overall i think, it barely fits 12 red players
Avatar zahndah left feedback: June 2016
first too easy to take
Avatar zahndah left feedback: June 2016
no way to flank off last as spy for red
Avatar Dachtone made an annotation at -410 -2253 260 while standing at -360 -2029 276 June 2016
useless spot
Avatar zahndah left feedback: June 2016
red spawn is too close to last point
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 714 -1389 231 while standing at 761 -1400 276 June 2016
dead end
Avatar Cookiesurvival made an annotation at -668 -3140 396 while standing at -405 -2760 444 June 2016
needs clear direction on where to go.
Avatar Gardevoir made an annotation at -61 -2020 121 while standing at -275 -1875 276 June 2016
this zone need add water with toxic
Avatar Smk left feedback: June 2016
to long respawn times
Avatar zahndah made an annotation at -507 -2854 389 while standing at -619 -2760 451 June 2016
only one small spawn exit
Avatar Elodic left feedback: June 2016
respawn times
Avatar Dachtone made an annotation at -1218 -5346 361 while standing at -1239 -5542 389 June 2016
too dark here
Avatar Diva Dan made an annotation at 817 -564 188 while standing at 779 -130 139 June 2016
add a dead end sign here
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2016
revise your pickup placements in general. place them beside areas players will hold to support that
Avatar Gardevoir made an annotation at 806 -1014 74 while standing at 803 -1047 64 June 2016
this map make lower fps
Avatar zahndah left feedback: June 2016
leaked, right?
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at -158 -641 200 while standing at -408 -679 260 June 2016
Too cramped around here
Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2016
(or even just lower it!)
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -655 -2840 418 while standing at -542 -2876 451 June 2016
any reason why i should have to jump up here? seems unnecessary. add stairs or something
Avatar Berry made an annotation at -681 -462 92 while standing at -681 -487 129 June 2016
this health isn't much use for the attackers
Avatar Elodic left feedback: June 2016
spawn doors to close to point
Avatar Smk made an annotation at -1313 -5144 567 while standing at -1644 -5126 581 June 2016
i can see barriers as blu
Avatar Smk left feedback: June 2016
blues first spawn seems rly big without anything special about it
Avatar Smk made an annotation at -1163 -5314 393 while standing at -1161 -5403 389 June 2016
this resupply cabinet is to hidden