20/20/60 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar SnickerPuffs made an annotation at 6818 -738 130 while standing at 6817 -727 129 August 2016
Is this the easter egg?
Avatar TMB made an annotation at 2334 -1915 94 while standing at 2162 -1927 139 August 2016
my eyes!!!
Avatar ProfHappycat left feedback: August 2016
what little healthkits i do find are always small, there's no medium healthkits near mid it seems
Avatar demoflight tf2 made an annotation at 2357 -929 -50 while standing at 2455 -1047 11 August 2016
change the healthkit to small
Avatar ProfHappycat left feedback: August 2016
i'm not finding many healthpacks
Avatar Tuaam left feedback: August 2016
MYYY EYYYES please tone down the hdr a little
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: August 2016
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: August 2016
Mid feels really awkward to fight on, no other path by the upper one is viable and the area around the spire is suicide
Avatar Bone Madness made an annotation at 2010 -26 205 while standing at 1688 -408 257 August 2016
really bright reflection in this area