25/0/75 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar thom left feedback: April 2019
remove the giant silo next to spawn
Avatar func_maid left feedback: April 2019
i dont have enough time to walk from red spawn to B after A is capped before B is capped. thats an issue.
Avatar Dr. Sir Knight made an annotation at -1709 1973 -119 while standing at -1688 2215 -59 April 2019
The broken model that has an error sign can be built inside of
Avatar thom left feedback: April 2019
holograms are weird
Avatar thom left feedback: April 2019
defending 1st point is hard because the area to defend is so long, remove and downscale
Avatar thom left feedback: April 2019
i would remove one of the large sections of the building coming into last its too long and it doesnt add
Avatar puxorb made an annotation at -1697 2052 -72 while standing at -1843 2098 -62 April 2019
missing model
Avatar Wilson Overwatch left feedback: April 2019
make it linear 3CP, downscale the whole thing, etc etc
Avatar func_maid left feedback: April 2019
cap times may be too shiort in general
Avatar thom left feedback: April 2019
nvm about the doors i forgot its cp
Avatar thom left feedback: April 2019
add closing/opening spawn doors
Avatar Modern Rawrfare made an annotation at 3082 -996 10 while standing at 3446 -1148 129 April 2019
why are there so many pickups here
Avatar Wilson Overwatch left feedback: April 2019
pack construction assets
Avatar Modern Rawrfare made an annotation at -1432 -881 434 while standing at -954 -1061 219 April 2019
this room is huge and empty
Avatar Dr. Sir Knight made an annotation at -3379 448 -83 while standing at -3592 448 -83 April 2019
C might need a longer capture time, a solo blu can get it half way before enemy has time to stop him
Avatar func_maid left feedback: April 2019
need more signage for blu team on the approach to C
Avatar Wilson Overwatch made an annotation at 3172 -1185 13 while standing at 3227 -1311 68 April 2019
why is this here
Avatar Dr. Sir Knight made an annotation at 358 -1589 203 while standing at 1096 -2190 304 April 2019
B is to close to A, you can almost instantly cap B after A