50/0/50 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)

Hardwood - A22a

by Squishy


Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: (Completed - View) November 2019
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: November 2019
Move routes into A further apart so they don't suck and can't be as easily camped
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: November 2019
just rework entire building so blu can use it and to widen the main route
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: November 2019
blu way onto short roof at A?
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: (Completed - View) November 2019
Avatar Scion left feedback: November 2019
red has a lot of advantages on last
Avatar Idolon left feedback: November 2019
ok i found one. there should be like two or three minimum though
Avatar Idolon left feedback: November 2019
cant find a single health kit for attacking C
Avatar Vortigaunt left feedback: November 2019
what are we even fighting over in this map?
Avatar Scion left feedback: November 2019
i would remove some of the ammo at the 1st point. engie is just way too powerful there
Avatar Idolon left feedback: November 2019
the main route is literally tighter to push through than the flank
Avatar Idolon left feedback: November 2019
that route is the shortest for blue, the only one with high ground, and actually more open than the main route
Avatar Idolon left feedback: November 2019
and i feel like its the only thing that matters for defending A
Avatar Idolon left feedback: November 2019
which is fairly easily countered if red dedicates themselves to it
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at -1548 1420 25 while standing at -1468 1499 139 November 2019
this is the only route blue has thats mildly advantageous for attacking A
Avatar Idolon left feedback: November 2019
red has good snipers and its shutting down basically every route blue has to attack A
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 made an annotation at -1673 407 208 while standing at -1579 352 75 (Completed - View) November 2019
Avatar Vortigaunt made an annotation at 1279 -1454 132 while standing at 798 -1521 198 November 2019
I can't figure out where to go from here, add 50 billion signs.
Avatar Idolon left feedback: (Completed - View) November 2019
Avatar Idolon left feedback: (Completed - View) November 2019