83/0/17 Round Win % (6 rounds) (Click for more information)

Hardwood - A32a

by Squishy


Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar Onra77 left feedback: April 2020
red spawn is too far from first point
Avatar Эмil made an annotation at -825 2594 140 while standing at -1072 2652 4 April 2020
Avatar seth made an annotation at -1105 -6477 -37 while standing at -1223 -6397 0 April 2020
why not make the path back to resup more direct instead of having to take these ramps?
Avatar meowfang made an annotation at -2344 -1248 113 while standing at -2303 -1393 155 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar meowfang made an annotation at -3215 3930 -76 while standing at -3357 4072 -76 April 2020
kinda dumb but i mistake this little blue boy over here as an actual blue player sometimes
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 made an annotation at -3342 3696 -129 while standing at -3365 3638 -76 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar half made an annotation at -318 2209 -217 while standing at -307 2229 -179 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar bikkie left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -2022 -3474 23 while standing at -2017 -3569 7 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar Jeff Albertson left feedback: April 2020
door moves downwards hurts my eyes
Avatar catfish made an annotation at -783 729 -159 while standing at -647 712 -158 April 2020
would be nice if scout could use this prop to jump up to this high ground
Avatar splash made an annotation at -666 1591 1346 while standing at -665 1596 1380 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar seth left feedback: April 2020
why does blu have to walk so far to get to the point? red isnt going to try to defend that far forward
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at -1967 -5839 104 while standing at -1412 -6045 100 April 2020
to here
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at -1644 -5864 -158 while standing at -1534 -5702 -155 April 2020
link here
Avatar DR VLAD CRAZY made an annotation at -3187 4127 -141 while standing at -3350 4012 -76 April 2020
last should be slightly more larger paths into last with slightly more even ground
Avatar seth left feedback: April 2020
unless youre scout or demo/solly
Avatar seth left feedback: April 2020
last feels very hard to push because theres no direct path, you MUST extend past or wrap around the point to get to it
Avatar seth made an annotation at -1313 -4385 126 while standing at -1325 -4361 129 April 2020
i know this isnt normal, but id appreciate something to tell blu that this is one way glass
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at -2735 -2752 -252 while standing at -2743 -2679 -216 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar seth made an annotation at -529 1022 -71 while standing at -524 1032 -68 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar Jeff Albertson made an annotation at -567 927 -118 while standing at -714 1081 -187 April 2020
idk if getting up there would be too op it looks like i should be able to
Avatar seth made an annotation at -3269 4233 -60 while standing at -3252 4226 -30 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at -2132 -4473 -40 while standing at -1990 -4671 -155 April 2020
make not as blind
Avatar Possessed Inkie Shark left feedback: April 2020
without several ubers
Avatar Possessed Inkie Shark left feedback: April 2020
there are so amny good sentry spots on last and with only 2 real entrances blue has little chance of getting through
Avatar seth made an annotation at -1778 -3764 282 while standing at -1705 -3860 417 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -279 -6776 88 while standing at -140 -6924 100 (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at -654 -5072 144 while standing at -583 -5080 164 April 2020
Avatar Jeff Albertson left feedback: April 2020
not many effective routes into last
Avatar seth left feedback: (Completed - View) April 2020
Avatar Jeff Albertson left feedback: April 2020
train track goes into wall unplayable