63/0/38 Round Win % (8 rounds) (Click for more information)

Hardwood - b5a

by Squishy

  • Game Mode: Capture Points
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: February 2023 on Demos


Avatar Mouse✭ left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Custard1 made an annotation at -1732 -2814 99 while standing at -1625 -2340 218 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Custard1 made an annotation at -3669 -2502 -340 while standing at -3137 -2202 27 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -2257 2438 63 while standing at -2199 3023 -59 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar jturner1nm made an annotation at -1255 -1324 -4 while standing at -1402 -1983 219 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar mild bobby sauce made an annotation at -1159 1436 -192 while standing at -1206 1573 -123 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Mouse✭ made an annotation at -2816 3390 -258 while standing at -2582 3585 -191 February 2023
this wall is far too close to the spawn, the spawn building is way too small
Avatar Custard1 made an annotation at -232 2467 19 while standing at 207 2216 -116 February 2023
this wire fence as a blocker feels a bit weird
Avatar mild bobby sauce made an annotation at -1136 1515 -196 while standing at -1128 1521 -193 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -981 -1912 70 while standing at -1159 -1958 20 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -967 -5001 78 while standing at -946 -5015 116 February 2023
cant shoot the cones :(
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at -1053 595 -10 while standing at -1149 559 36 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at -2839 2868 -232 while standing at -2814 2916 -181 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar bajablink left feedback: February 2023
rockets can go through metal gate texture
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -918 741 169 while standing at -424 1081 -155 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -904 785 -35 while standing at -882 1001 22 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade made an annotation at -2009 -1108 174 while standing at -2131 -639 95 February 2023
some trees in the background flicker here
Avatar jturner1nm left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -607 1133 -237 while standing at -859 1230 -180 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -586 296 -3 while standing at -600 294 36 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Robogineer made an annotation at -1760 -1195 5 while standing at -1702 -1190 52 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -2824 3928 -108 while standing at -2823 3941 -104 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -936 -5984 36 while standing at -936 -5984 36 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Stuffy360 made an annotation at -36 1316 -210 while standing at -35 1324 -202 February 2023
cheeky hiding spot
Avatar ZungryWare made an annotation at -2839 3551 -132 while standing at -2852 3544 -86 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -2349 -1539 12 while standing at -2328 -1557 52 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -2882 -1459 -150 while standing at -2888 -1450 -148 February 2023
clip? not gonna get here often but still
Avatar Fault in Corn Dog left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar FlyingEngineer made an annotation at -2854 3565 60 while standing at -2879 3590 101 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -2955 -2360 -19 while standing at -2965 -2387 20 February 2023
bad texture alignment
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -1502 -734 -24 while standing at -1464 -741 18 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar MegapiemanPHD left feedback: (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Fault in Corn Dog made an annotation at -832 -1910 190 while standing at -823 -1912 196 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -599 595 -113 while standing at -656 548 -155 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at -673 -84 -73 while standing at -543 64 93 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -1856 1752 82 while standing at -1457 2145 4 (Completed - View) February 2023
Avatar MegapiemanPHD made an annotation at -1853 2290 -44 while standing at -1850 2393 -59 February 2023
being able to jump on this building is odd as the other ones near it at the same height you cant