17/0/83 Round Win % (12 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Blade x64


Avatar Elias made an annotation at 5386 2355 58 while standing at 5359 2355 36 March 2017
make headlights non solid
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 121 -685 528 while standing at 78 -693 542 March 2017
you can get stuck on this displacement
Avatar Habber the Quesomancer made an annotation at -3651 -1075 280 while standing at -3837 -1194 516 March 2017
you can also punch through it..?
Avatar erk made an annotation at -3487 -986 274 while standing at -3416 -979 321 March 2017
you can burn people through this gate
Avatar spaceguy made an annotation at 5012 1783 334 while standing at 5095 1766 351 March 2017
weird clipping on here
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: March 2017
Caves are too dark. Can't see player colours
Avatar Elias left feedback: March 2017
Avatar Elias made an annotation at -1340 2541 518 while standing at -1340 2419 611 March 2017
the door clips through the rood
Avatar AsG_Alligator made an annotation at -62 84 68 while standing at -80 134 113 March 2017
theres a loud generator noise coming from this rock
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 2274 -1116 322 while standing at 2173 -1112 369 March 2017
maybe remove these windows because of people getting confused when the setup doors open
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at 2415 -1598 317 while standing at 2427 -1447 356 March 2017
not sure if it's you, but this vent pop-outs from like 20ft away
Avatar Elias left feedback: March 2017
very hard to take 2nd stage last
Avatar ᵀᵀGothic_Day left feedback: March 2017
It's beginning to look alot like Hydro...
Avatar athena left feedback: March 2017
spy in SPAWN
Avatar Elias left feedback: March 2017
points cap really fast
Avatar The Guy You Know Down The Road made an annotation at -2522 2392 225 while standing at -2904 2578 225 March 2017
suggesting on the first blu spawn, make the whole building a respawn room and put spawns where control point is
Avatar Elias left feedback: March 2017
there is not a lot of health packs around this map
Avatar erk made an annotation at -4559 -1113 -20 while standing at -4583 -1273 36 March 2017
you could remove the cp here since its not doing anything
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: March 2017
generally this map is designed to be pushed in both directions, making forward holds and even outright spawncamping possibl
Avatar Elias made an annotation at 2089 -2075 -11 while standing at 2232 -2101 44 March 2017
make this a more obvious door
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: March 2017
spawncamping is way too effective because of the original design