71/0/29 Round Win % (7 rounds) (Click for more information)


by hondjo


Avatar erk left feedback: September 2018
red spawns so close to last you gotta spawn camp them to win
Avatar Startacker! left feedback: September 2018
I don't even need to worry about reloads since the resupply is so close to B
Avatar Defcon left feedback: September 2018
also maybe give attackers some highground like on powerhouse and gorge
Avatar erk left feedback: September 2018
the connectors leading up to last are even tighter
Avatar erk left feedback: September 2018
a lot of this map is kinda underscaled, area on last is really tight
Avatar Startacker! left feedback: September 2018
remove the rails in red spawn or move the spawns to not be infront of them?
Avatar Defcon left feedback: September 2018
i would try adding a huge opening somewhere like on powerhouse last
Avatar Defcon left feedback: September 2018
every route into last is a tiny easily spammed doorway
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -2116 -3231 214 while standing at -2178 -3239 267 September 2018
no patches for these pickups
Avatar poy made an annotation at -1556 -2141 424 while standing at -1552 -2194 452 September 2018
wierd hitbox with this fence
Avatar 2FleeceTheMasses made an annotation at 1895 -2664 458 while standing at 2362 -2862 619 September 2018
last is so hard to cap for blu
Avatar Defcon left feedback: September 2018
look at how gorge makes red go through a lobby to get to their last point
Avatar Darklight720 made an annotation at 1394 -3067 507 while standing at 913 -2548 556 September 2018
the last point cap time makes it impossible to cap, considering the spawn is next to it
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 1027 -4178 387 while standing at 1077 -4228 395 September 2018
this railing does nothing but get in the way
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: September 2018
feels like there's no space we can take outside of the lobby as blue on last
Avatar Defcon left feedback: September 2018
last should be closer to the size of first. there's no room on last for classes like spy and sniper
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: September 2018
red spawn way too close to the point imo
Avatar poy made an annotation at 1768 -2435 615 while standing at 1776 -2436 612 September 2018
why is it one way
Avatar Zelumie made an annotation at -3553 -3243 76 while standing at -3312 -3114 132 September 2018
you can damage enemies through the spawn doors
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 353 -3456 622 while standing at 479 -3442 683 September 2018
this route is so cramped
Avatar Startacker! made an annotation at 754 -3569 455 while standing at 902 -3826 516 September 2018
I don't like this door being a one way since it restricts Blu from having to go through
Avatar Agro | KritzKast left feedback: September 2018
there's no incentive for red to leave the spawn area
Avatar Darklight720 made an annotation at 1056 -3676 506 while standing at 1226 -3661 388 September 2018
this window can be seen through on the inside but not the outside
Avatar Agro | KritzKast left feedback: September 2018
could really use a forward spawn
Avatar poy made an annotation at -2275 -3741 260 while standing at -2274 -3751 260 September 2018
Avatar Darklight720 made an annotation at -1507 -2876 428 while standing at -1240 -2682 398 September 2018
lighting issue with vent
Avatar Darklight720 made an annotation at 551 -2958 521 while standing at 679 -2921 516 September 2018
Do not use this texture unless it is a door.
Avatar sharp shoes made an annotation at -537 -3423 478 while standing at -617 -3367 524 July 2018
There should be nobuild on last point
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 551 -2834 527 while standing at 693 -3046 516 July 2018
not very obvious that you can jump up here at first
Avatar gamers. they targeted gamers. made an annotation at -3955 -3495 117 while standing at -3928 -3422 139 July 2018
floating crates
Avatar 2FleeceTheMasses made an annotation at -2493 -3203 204 while standing at -2599 -3303 260 July 2018
it isit'sqzty
Avatar KingOfNova made an annotation at -2390 -3741 257 while standing at -2388 -3751 257 July 2018
i found an error texture
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 2117 -3484 592 while standing at 2415 -3338 619 July 2018
pipe blocks this sightline because of its collision box, even when it looks i can shoot i actually cant
Avatar Dead Plant made an annotation at 1052 -3849 397 while standing at 1758 -2884 523 July 2018
flank routes need to flank even more
Avatar sharp shoes made an annotation at -2084 -3713 205 while standing at -2202 -3685 257 July 2018
unnecessary one way door at last point
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -33 -2376 494 while standing at -892 -2107 516 July 2018
i can see teleporter effects in the distance from here, where's the rest of the building anyway
Avatar Sam Sinisterâ„¢ made an annotation at 758 -3471 455 while standing at 845 -3755 523 July 2018
please stop this door from being one way. this is like the major path to last for blu
Avatar Nixon left feedback: July 2018
too many weak routes to last
Avatar WhiteLightningTwister made an annotation at -2784 -3387 443 while standing at -2784 -3792 443 July 2018
sentry shoots me through the door frame on second on the right side
Avatar batman returns to the batcave made an annotation at 1387 -3612 526 while standing at 1502 -3627 548 July 2018
block bullet this
Avatar WhiteLightningTwister made an annotation at -2967 -3620 405 while standing at -2728 -3795 443 July 2018
Need to repostion the spawn, spawn camping from the doors is easy
Avatar ]+[ Randy Cockburn made an annotation at -691 -2288 478 while standing at -700 -2356 596 July 2018
remove this crate?
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -2902 -3387 408 while standing at -2873 -3434 420 July 2018
cabinet door goes into wall