33/33/33 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown

  • Game Mode: Capture Points
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: February 2023 on Demos


Avatar Waffe left feedback: February 2023
"ai-generated geometry"
Avatar Waffe left feedback: February 2023
people seem not to use the hay cart in mid
Avatar Waffe left feedback: February 2023
"entrance to 2nd is fucked up but I love it"
Avatar Waffe left feedback: February 2023
"not a lot of open areas"
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: February 2023
architecture looks modern in places it shouldnt
Avatar pomino left feedback: February 2023
the map geometry is really fun to play around but mid is a bit hard to parse visually
Avatar gutter girl left feedback: February 2023
it is good and pretty but it is 5cp and it makes me sad :(
Avatar my medic is a 3rd grader left feedback: February 2023
Neat map.
Avatar videogamedumpy left feedback: February 2023
last point rarely sees play people are fighting in the connector most of the time
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello left feedback: February 2023
hard to tell whn a point is clear
Avatar Wonder of U (ザ・ワンダー made an annotation at 618 -2530 830 while standing at 56 -1819 704 February 2023
from here the interior of the mid spawn is visible
Avatar mister jon left feedback: February 2023
I liked older mid better, the 3 altitudes and sewer flank were good and new feels a bit barren
Avatar @_@ left feedback: February 2023
fun little map, mid needs some work but aestheticaly its very pleasing
Avatar videogamedumpy left feedback: February 2023
consider making mid and second more visually distinct so its easier to orient yourself
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at -748 -1823 706 while standing at -741 -1928 715 February 2023
let me climb in for the funni
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at 77 -831 801 while standing at 185 -772 827 February 2023
lighting hides the planks and makes it look like a oute