7/41/52 Round Win % (29 rounds) (Click for more information)

Kubeking 72

by Unknown


Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at 962 -189 48 while standing at 962 -199 49 August 2015
the transition from brick to spytech is pretty jarring
Avatar Userface made an annotation at -2528 -2731 372 while standing at -2528 -3136 372 August 2015
what is this pad for?
Avatar Mystyc Cheez made an annotation at 1335 470 3 while standing at 1696 537 251 August 2015
what is this?
Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at -1161 1072 315 while standing at -1159 1072 315 August 2015
the whiteness of these windows is a bit unatural and overpowering
Avatar a roast beef sandwich made an annotation at 288 197 -347 while standing at 399 244 -334 August 2015
death pit why?
Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at -1485 71 319 while standing at -1037 -646 315 August 2015
I really, really like this room
Avatar Userface made an annotation at 725 -330 -173 while standing at 785 -677 -142 August 2015
this ramp area is kind of awkward to navigate
Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at 1492 244 62 while standing at 1479 226 62 August 2015
but not this side
Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at 1560 235 58 while standing at 1560 235 59 August 2015
this glass is blue on this side
Avatar SHOGUN left feedback: August 2015
mid still takes a very long time to cap, and with highground surrounding it midfightd tend to last a long time
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -3366 -694 432 while standing at -3096 -453 724 August 2015
here is clip where you can stand
Avatar 'Rito made an annotation at 3002 -192 107 while standing at 2971 -189 130 August 2015
all the way to here. And that's insane. you're never going to be able to optimise such a huge line of sight
Avatar 'Rito made an annotation at -3011 -171 112 while standing at -3009 -167 123 August 2015
you can see (vis, not snipe) from here
Avatar GreenMelon left feedback: August 2015
the last point seems way too hard to push to
Avatar 'Rito left feedback: August 2015
this map is way overscaled. It's friggin huge.
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo made an annotation at -252 64 -658 while standing at -512 -444 -139 August 2015
why not just connect these around the pole? its a v bad pole otherwise
Avatar LeSwordfish left feedback: August 2015
thats a bs comment, its still not actually the right shape for it
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: August 2015
this is enough big for the 5cp
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 2312 -1802 148 while standing at 2376 -2107 148 August 2015
this sign looks odd, and also there are overlays for double-pointed arrows
Avatar 'Rito made an annotation at -2575 -536 143 while standing at -2595 -533 180 August 2015
this room is HUUUGE
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo left feedback: July 2015
too big for 3 cps
Avatar re1wind left feedback: July 2015
maybe make a 5cp map?
Avatar PewPewResearch left feedback: July 2015
it's really hard to cap last
Avatar |TAW| Humans are Weak left feedback: July 2015
and last is an ok point to defend
Avatar |TAW| Humans are Weak left feedback: July 2015
i think the problem with the map is, that when one team captures the middle point, it doesnt move up
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 2739 85 49 while standing at 2843 -71 108 July 2015
this looks like parkour. but it is not. :(
Avatar Henke37 made an annotation at -1871 843 162 while standing at -1881 884 190 July 2015
metal on one side, cement on the other.
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
The ramps to get on to final control points are not obvious
Avatar Henke37 made an annotation at -3092 148 420 while standing at -3673 -674 379 July 2015
too bright
Avatar GreenMelon made an annotation at 1819 -1780 97 while standing at 2159 -2035 155 July 2015
add a big blue arrow on this fence/wall here instead of the double arrow on the wood cover
Avatar GreenMelon made an annotation at 3928 -2171 248 while standing at 3795 -2334 251 July 2015
should add a big blue arrow on this wall
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 1224 534 7 while standing at 1063 620 -139 July 2015
As an attacker, coming in and seeing this down arrow. Down?
Avatar re1wind left feedback: July 2015
what's the respawn time for the defending team when they only own their final cap point?
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 1227 1077 -137 while standing at 1177 872 -139 July 2015
Keep out of where?
Avatar |TAW| Humans are Weak left feedback: July 2015
its hard to find your way back to your base
Avatar PewPewResearch left feedback: July 2015
last points are very easy to defend
Avatar PewPewResearch left feedback: July 2015
kind of confusing layout, more signs never hurt
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 655 -451 -197 while standing at 612 -282 -139 July 2015
Really tight around this ramp. Too tight to be comfortable
Avatar Cargo_Tokens made an annotation at 3267 -1529 192 while standing at 3348 -1604 251 July 2015
I really like the grass at last
nice koth map
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 2527 -1285 330 while standing at 2423 -1617 148 July 2015
Both these exits lead to 'battlements'. But entire central point area could be considered all battlements anyway
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
When I get to enemy base I can't find control point. So many signs lead to 'control point' that it confuses the helpfulness