100/0/0 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: August 2016
forward spawns should always be BEHIND mid, not in front of it, i think that's why im getting turned around
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -2876 3157 114 while standing at -2804 3216 139 August 2016
this route is 99% useless
Avatar JudgeJamesC made an annotation at -1543 -4 -91 while standing at -1448 -103 -75 August 2016
this sign should be for red
Avatar breakbitch hardcore left feedback: August 2016
keep getting disoriented and going the wrong way
Avatar Zan (rx8) left feedback: August 2016
this map wasn't packed correctly
Avatar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ made an annotation at 2689 493 -163 while standing at 2800 664 -139 August 2016
missing texture inside spawn
Avatar Noirpine made an annotation at -2915 635 104 while standing at -3027 590 129 August 2016
missing texture
Avatar Noirpine made an annotation at -2390 222 35 while standing at -2364 118 48 August 2016
missing texture
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -4190 1137 227 while standing at -4199 1135 225 August 2016
round here could be cool
Avatar Noirpine made an annotation at -2974 -878 -53 while standing at -3073 -854 -5 August 2016
missing texture
Avatar Noirpine made an annotation at -3510 -376 192 while standing at -3641 -283 129 August 2016
missing texture
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -4770 -1351 -268 while standing at -3701 -768 139 August 2016
please increase the scale of this texture, rn it looks AWFUL with all the tiling
Avatar Noirpine made an annotation at -3426 1407 190 while standing at -3595 1421 225 August 2016
error on 2 props
Avatar Noirpine made an annotation at -3691 1439 264 while standing at -3745 1229 208 August 2016
missing texture
Avatar A random wallaby made an annotation at -3534 1441 -30 while standing at -3444 1266 11 August 2016
Avatar Noirpine made an annotation at -3863 1002 253 while standing at -3788 858 83 August 2016
missing texture
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor made an annotation at 2905 -663 136 while standing at 2907 -663 139 August 2016
missing texture