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Mann Mall

by Unknown


Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -2213 1952 201 while standing at -1528 1882 76 August 2017
if we could get to the high route by ramp in this ramp we'd use it more
Avatar bikkie made an annotation at -2846 1493 23 while standing at -2848 1596 76 August 2017
this under is abused my by red more than blue
Avatar Xayir left feedback: August 2017
spy has hard time on this map
Avatar Lo-fi Longcat made an annotation at -25 2599 16 while standing at -39 2472 70 August 2017
this part is raised a little, not sure if it's intentional
Avatar Smiley the Smile made an annotation at -752 -125 64 while standing at -633 -157 76 August 2017
Make the ambulances stand out more by adding a bright light or something.
Avatar Rexen² made an annotation at -774 -1270 97 while standing at -577 -1043 174 August 2017
add more stuff behide blu spawn as a rocket jump can jump and see out of the map
Avatar myalko left feedback: August 2017
very good map keep it up man
Avatar Curlysnail made an annotation at -4484 1980 154 while standing at -4708 1854 212 August 2017
two ammo packs right next to eachother?
Avatar Demideath95 made an annotation at -1587 2483 219 while standing at -1587 3022 219 August 2017
no real flank routes into this point for offence
Avatar Curlysnail made an annotation at -3010 1788 169 while standing at -3276 2379 212 August 2017
feels very easy to lock down with sentries
Avatar Quartzrog made an annotation at -3240 3028 92 while standing at -3011 3012 203 August 2017
this door needs to open faster, I ran into it as scout
Avatar Smiley the Smile left feedback: August 2017
I don't see a significaant number of healthpacks
Avatar TheCreeperIV made an annotation at -804 3366 95 while standing at -423 3476 76 August 2017
make those 'tunnels' 1.5 wide
Avatar Rexen² made an annotation at 760 2237 13 while standing at 717 2647 83 August 2017
the shops feel too small for shops in a mall
Avatar Snoke GSX-R made an annotation at -1340 -58 408 while standing at -1370 230 476 August 2017
no ammo in spawn
Avatar Quartzrog made an annotation at -890 3326 185 while standing at -1042 3388 209 August 2017
these spawn passages are pretty cramped
Avatar Tails8521 made an annotation at -587 -562 4 while standing at -100 -611 68 August 2017
that's a good looking spawn
Avatar aui made an annotation at -2879 4822 19 while standing at -2735 4887 73 August 2017
lower these fences to the ground so soldiers and demos can't spam under them
Avatar red3pit made an annotation at -1800 6045 94 while standing at -1881 6071 76 August 2017
why is this here?
Avatar TheCreeperIV made an annotation at -4529 1608 365 while standing at -4550 1592 212 August 2017
A one way vent with a drop up here could do the work
Avatar Quartzrog left feedback: August 2017
I feel like the detailing and theme is the strongest part of this map
Avatar Curlysnail made an annotation at -3017 897 13 while standing at -3001 457 76 August 2017
B feels unfun to try and cap
Avatar TheCreeperIV made an annotation at -97 360 284 while standing at -204 552 212 August 2017
this Hanging advertisment 'box' looks out of place when attached from both the celling and the wall. >next>
Avatar Quartzrog left feedback: August 2017
there don't seem to be many ways to approach attacking B
Avatar Quartzrog made an annotation at -2113 1073 382 while standing at -1663 783 73 August 2017
these spot lights look strange coming from the prop choices
Avatar Xayir made an annotation at -2559 1378 12 while standing at -2593 1936 76 August 2017
this doors feel to small
Avatar Quartzrog made an annotation at -2838 1399 46 while standing at -2828 1596 73 August 2017
some of these interior areas feel a bit cramped
Avatar Quartzrog made an annotation at -1712 624 76 while standing at -2383 668 73 August 2017
nice use of curves
Avatar Curlysnail made an annotation at -2828 1577 16 while standing at -2828 1596 22 August 2017
feels like there should be pickups in here
Avatar Demideath95 made an annotation at -16 2482 84 while standing at -60 2904 97 August 2017
really long sightlines
Avatar red3pit made an annotation at 123 4112 40 while standing at 571 4272 83 August 2017
one would be enough
Avatar Quartzrog made an annotation at -1388 346 26 while standing at -1418 515 81 August 2017
this vent is very blue