17/0/83 Round Win % (6 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown

  • Game Mode: Capture Points
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: December 2022 on Demos


Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at 1447 -677 -604 while standing at 1419 -663 -563 December 2022
can stand here
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2022
the general close-range nature and lack of team pushes made engagements feel more random than anything
Avatar MI6zombieguy92 made an annotation at 1656 49 -573 while standing at 1672 87 -515 December 2022
can stand on this sheet metal
Avatar YOYOYO made an annotation at 3310 -549 -749 while standing at 3313 -552 -748 December 2022
like replace the amount of brick
Avatar Mouse✭ made an annotation at 583 -1803 -728 while standing at 647 -1900 -668 December 2022
this vent lift system works well and is implemented in a way that works well visually, but not strategically usually, here
Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at 2024 -628 -418 while standing at 2022 -615 -383 December 2022
can also stand here
Avatar MI6zombieguy92 made an annotation at 1930 -1516 -443 while standing at 1929 -1483 -403 December 2022
can stand here
Avatar YOYOYO made an annotation at 1774 -1899 -911 while standing at 1738 -1874 -908 December 2022
theme is very gritty, might need to lighten up more
Avatar MI6zombieguy92 made an annotation at 2327 -622 -78 while standing at 2325 -615 -67 December 2022
can stand here
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2559 -1173 -1026 while standing at 2515 -1170 -1009 December 2022
am stuck
Avatar YOYOYO made an annotation at 1610 -768 -887 while standing at 2339 -1374 -1048 December 2022
took me a while to find C
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 2763 1517 -698 while standing at 1590 1995 -595 December 2022
may angle this to shorten the A/C rotations some (ping me for a rough top-down if needed)
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -4 -1063 -672 while standing at -7 -1091 -658 December 2022
ramp too step by tf2 standards
Avatar kube made an annotation at 2434 -422 -692 while standing at 2419 -439 -648 December 2022
another, not too b ofc
Avatar kube made an annotation at 1374 -199 -554 while standing at 1373 -216 -508 December 2022
Avatar Fault in Corn Dog left feedback: December 2022
The routing between points IS better, so good work on that
Avatar YOYOYO made an annotation at 4198 4125 -321 while standing at 2354 2361 -716 December 2022
the masks on the ship's funny
Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at 2490 -1036 -1119 while standing at 2307 -1222 -1055 December 2022
people getting stuck here somehow
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
finding the short rotations makes things feel way better
Avatar MI6zombieguy92 made an annotation at 1816 -658 -924 while standing at 1501 -317 -843 December 2022
add additional C decals to point towards C since its like borderline hidden
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: December 2022
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: December 2022
you can teleport to your spawn by walking into the enemy's spawn door
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2292 -857 -1073 while standing at 2215 -828 -1059 December 2022
these props can't be used to prop jump since the roof is too low
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 3321 -1415 -731 while standing at 3720 -1016 -731 December 2022
I just crouch jumped onto the prop and touched the wall and got stuck
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2487 -1121 -1098 while standing at 2484 -1154 -1050 December 2022
Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at -753 -1101 -541 while standing at -959 -1112 -531 December 2022
door stopped working for some reason
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2754 -2409 -887 while standing at 2752 -2419 -887 December 2022
Avatar Fault in Corn Dog left feedback: December 2022
The only point I enjoyed defending last time was B, and now its gone. A is better now but I dont find myself having any fun
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -196 1771 -630 while standing at 75 1891 -643 December 2022
do like these wallsd
Avatar Huwareyou left feedback: December 2022
make it so overtime occurs if one team is capping
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
keep getting stuck on props and thinking their spies, would make doors and signs nonsolid/clipped
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2724 1240 -499 while standing at 2671 1268 -454 December 2022
texture lock
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2343 3385 -1189 while standing at 2099 2569 -678 December 2022
this water texture looks not very nice
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 1536 2378 -558 while standing at 2056 2548 -678 December 2022
visible no draw here for most of the area
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
can use L-shaped stairs in some spots to avoid using too many vents/spiral stairs
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -404 2304 -400 while standing at -344 2320 -390 December 2022
no draw here
Avatar sp_ruce left feedback: December 2022
this is fun
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 800 1826 -430 while standing at 515 2237 -387 December 2022
dislike this vent into spawn, would only keep the stairs on this side (can't defend from here anymore)
Avatar sonoma left feedback: December 2022
many people have a hard time navigating this map because there are a lot of floors stacked on top of each other imo
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
may wanna center a bit (in top down) as the A-C rotation is super long, teams gravitate to A/B or C
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at 2587 1014 -473 while standing at 2598 1035 -451 December 2022
make this thing nonsolid and playerclip it
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -682 -737 -537 while standing at -690 -738 -531 December 2022
prop is nonsolid
Avatar Huwareyou left feedback: December 2022
This is genuinely the most fun I've had in tf2 for genuinely years, I'm not kidding, this map is really really really fun:)
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
rotations around C point are a lot more fun and make sense
Avatar MI6zombieguy92 made an annotation at 1886 -915 -587 while standing at 2375 -1388 -67 December 2022
can stand here
Avatar sp_ruce left feedback: December 2022
roaming engi is very fun here
Avatar Alex EatDonut made an annotation at -464 541 -444 while standing at -497 374 -387 December 2022
weird movement here
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 199 518 -623 while standing at -15 430 -595 December 2022
maybe open up one of these doorway things
Avatar kube left feedback: December 2022
cool map, excited about it
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -49 2339 -390 while standing at -49 2586 -390 December 2022
I can open a red door as blu (A I think sorry I forgot)
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 511 -1870 -935 while standing at 552 -1872 -819 December 2022
the same jump pad doesn't consistently get you to the same place. I think there was a prefab of consistent jumpad somewhere
Avatar Alex EatDonut left feedback: December 2022
you can hug enemy spawndoors to go back to your spawn
Avatar MI6zombieguy92 made an annotation at 2126 1795 -729 while standing at 2294 2269 -509 December 2022
while this area is cool it would seem to be a point here but the point is inside the building so it's confusing to me
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -243 420 -611 while standing at -238 652 -598 December 2022
let us sit on the chair
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -1148 1311 -619 while standing at -499 1311 -598 December 2022
what is this room for? It's detail but seems way to gameplay like a spawn room
Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at 2473 1020 -775 while standing at 2582 1000 -739 December 2022
z fighting
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 547 -1954 -930 while standing at 639 -1881 -892 December 2022
too easy to accidentally jump on this jumppad when dropping down from the top
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -364 -800 -497 while standing at -375 -1086 -531 December 2022
nice jump
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: December 2022
Great improvement over the last version in terms of layout. Teams move like teams and pressing W gets you smwhr meaningful
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 3607 3929 -441 while standing at 2137 2459 -726 December 2022
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
Teams actually playing as teams, but get flanked from unexpected spots.
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 1240 1072 -435 while standing at 1263 1089 -455 December 2022
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 571 1673 -435 while standing at 594 1690 -455 December 2022
actually never mind, wow thats an amazing scout jum
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: December 2022
I recommend you time the walktimes if you didn't already and make sure everyone gets to points at the same time
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 56 1936 -523 while standing at 56 1931 -516 December 2022
maybe dont let people stand here,
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 478 1906 -391 while standing at 476 1907 -388 December 2022
can stand here, I like this its cool
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
the route under B kinda leads to a disadvantage
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 66 -505 -690 while standing at 110 -520 -668 December 2022
clipping prop into the wall here, maybe move it a bit
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at -249 -888 -653 while standing at -270 -1027 -711 December 2022
texture lokc
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -174 -1077 -582 while standing at -270 -1025 -517 December 2022
I mean this point
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -369 -990 -467 while standing at 394 -1346 -668 December 2022
this point is a bit hidden from the spawn it belongs to. Have to do 180 at the right moment to spot it
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 2885 -2415 -915 while standing at 2906 -2382 -908 December 2022
pass time funny
Avatar Huwareyou made an annotation at 3659 -1223 -806 while standing at 3553 -1338 -748 December 2022
I got teleported here and got stuck on something, I dont know what sorry, for a second
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 2468 -1285 -705 while standing at 2151 -1348 -1045 December 2022
this drop needs to be a bit lower so that we won't take fall damage
Avatar ZungryWare made an annotation at 703 -1974 -918 while standing at 653 -1857 -902 December 2022
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 1505 -1600 -880 while standing at 1626 -1621 -915 December 2022
visibvle nodraw
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: December 2022
ran around this offline and was far less confused, will see how it plays
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1492 -1747 -902 while standing at 1578 -1714 -918 December 2022