67/0/33 Round Win % (6 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown

  • Game Mode: Capture Points
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: December 2022 on Demos


Avatar Duck Lemon made an annotation at 2863 448 500 while standing at 2852 457 539 December 2022
you can stand on the crane
Avatar thom made an annotation at 2199 883 -608 while standing at 2202 884 -565 December 2022
i get stuck in here!
Avatar thom made an annotation at 2396 821 -458 while standing at 2401 826 -458 December 2022
weird low clipping here
Avatar werecat made an annotation at 1548 821 -721 while standing at 2201 871 -565 December 2022
I don't like that you can shoot through the net
Avatar werecat made an annotation at 1681 895 -720 while standing at 2202 855 -565 December 2022
I got stuck here
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: December 2022
Had more fun this time than pervious versiosn
Avatar foolish samurai warrior made an annotation at 2957 1147 -617 while standing at 2302 1009 -575 December 2022
broken collisions
Avatar thom made an annotation at 18 1639 -434 while standing at 55 1669 -413 December 2022
why clip this off ??
Avatar August101 left feedback: December 2022
in my personal opinnion; B is REALLY hard to attack
Avatar thom made an annotation at -408 1477 -239 while standing at -408 1483 -199 December 2022
weird clipping on wall
Avatar foolish samurai warrior left feedback: December 2022
A is really hard to attack
Avatar Zeus left feedback: December 2022
spawn doors stuck
Avatar goobert left feedback: December 2022
still a little hard to learn, but a big improvement from the previous versions. fun map!
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2022
hard to tell whats a single route without running down it and exploring and a lot fo the routes blend together in my head (
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2022
the more i run around the more i realize how few routes there are but everything is so complex and looks so similar its (1/
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2022
to your point about the number of routes it might be more that each route is complex and indistinct
Avatar NobeOddy left feedback: December 2022
really fun map but I agree that its easy to get split from team
Avatar Glamrock Tia left feedback: December 2022
Map has great theming, but feels a too small for the amount of paths in it
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2022
the sheer umber of routes splits teams up a ton and makes it hard to build up big pushes
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2022
a lot of the routes are good to fight in its just feels like theres a few too many options
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: December 2022
layout splits teams up a lto and creates lots of tiny fights instead of a few big teamfights
Avatar thom left feedback: December 2022
on first exposure (2/2)
Avatar thom left feedback: December 2022
now that ive played the map for about an hour i understand the layout better but i think itll still be a fit confusing (1/2
Avatar Duck Lemon made an annotation at -762 3230 -212 while standing at -746 3216 -208 December 2022
the frogge
Avatar werecat made an annotation at -185 3469 -203 while standing at -208 3471 -205 December 2022
nodraw here
Avatar Glamrock Tia made an annotation at 2092 778 -781 while standing at 2748 568 -201 December 2022
collision here
Avatar thom made an annotation at 3441 98 -571 while standing at 3432 97 -573 December 2022
or here
Avatar thom made an annotation at 3597 -222 -571 while standing at 3597 -231 -573 December 2022
dont put resup as far a possible from door, put it here
Avatar werecat left feedback: December 2022
it is hard to get to the points in time to stop a cap
Avatar dragon small z made an annotation at -347 1543 -233 while standing at -343 1556 -201 December 2022
weird collission is still here
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 1427 1411 -804 while standing at 1220 1303 -742 December 2022
Train machine [B]roke
Avatar E-85 made an annotation at 920 2530 -228 while standing at 849 2855 -205 December 2022
caps seem a bit fast
Avatar thom made an annotation at -242 3479 -171 while standing at -264 3479 -198 December 2022
visible nodraw here!
Avatar E-85 made an annotation at 3443 -56 -549 while standing at 3815 -56 -549 December 2022
odd layout, but pretty fun!
Avatar thom made an annotation at 1449 3077 -213 while standing at 1529 2824 -198 December 2022
globe lighting weird
Avatar thom made an annotation at 803 2616 -266 while standing at 362 2534 -164 December 2022
one way jump for sniper and other classes across here