40/0/60 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)

Norfolk Mc17

by norfolk


Avatar ShadOblivion made an annotation at -446 -2430 574 while standing at -165 -2491 516 September 2021
These lava pipes is cool :)
Avatar Lv7 Kobold Wizard made an annotation at 355 -3562 319 while standing at -111 -3867 420 September 2021
the space between A and Red's spawn feels really lack luster. I like defending A, but not the space leading to it.
Avatar Lv7 Kobold Wizard made an annotation at 128 1260 1028 while standing at 128 768 1028 September 2021
A's buildings can be spammed over the rooms palyers cross through
Avatar norfolk left feedback: September 2021
raise back area by cliff? def too flat, that would be good for more interesting height
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe made an annotation at 1299 -4972 347 while standing at 1450 -5186 420 September 2021
why is this one-way :(
Avatar norfolk left feedback: September 2021
lower arc of red -> point jp
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 523 -1565 552 while standing at -698 -3393 516 September 2021
Avatar blamo left feedback: September 2021
when defending last I can see myself accidently stepping on one of the launch pads during the midst of chaos
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe made an annotation at 349 -3948 476 while standing at -83 -3859 420 September 2021
Don't like how you can shoot over this building by rocket jumping
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
pit at B looks like a death pit by every measure but is not actually a death pit.
Avatar norfolk left feedback: September 2021
vary jump pad noise sound or at least pitch?
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe made an annotation at -342 -2351 518 while standing at -114 -2400 516 September 2021
this area looks cool
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
It usually creates spawn camping or can totally screw over red because the next wave spawns right on top of their retreat.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
Blue generally should not spawn behind the point they just capped, at least without delay.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
Also why would anyone want to defend the point? You are literally being offered up on a platter.
Avatar blamo left feedback: September 2021
both points I didnt sleep 9 hours last night
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
tha approaches are bizzare and maze like, you can also snipe into the red spawn from safety.
Avatar blamo left feedback: September 2021
the layout of both boths made it so I really only wanted to defend the side routes rather than being out in the open
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
There is no space anywhere for you to play around as a non jumping or fragile class.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
B is a cool callback to Quake days but nothing about it works in terms of TF2.
Avatar ShadOblivion made an annotation at 1792 -5235 427 while standing at 1792 -5952 427 September 2021
the flank beside the red spawn makes it incredibly easy for red to be spawn camped
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: September 2021
being on last is a death sentence
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: September 2021
being on last is being able to be killed from any conceivable angle
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
Also some normal setup gates that don't open sightlines would be appreciated.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
This is not very fun nor interesting to play around, also sightline city.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: September 2021
Everything from setup to A is very flat and mostly made out of two very boxy areas with some mild cover.
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: September 2021
too many long sightlines in this map
Avatar norfolk left feedback: September 2021
B to A hall sightline may still be too strong?
Avatar cozmo made an annotation at -1559 -2629 496 while standing at -1586 -2718 545 September 2021
let people get on the lift from this side
Avatar Mâché made an annotation at 1233 -4944 342 while standing at 1102 -5001 388 (Completed - View) September 2021
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 718 -1211 339 while standing at 902 -1167 311 (Completed - View) September 2021