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Powerworks Fix

by Unknown


Avatar Nutitoo left feedback: May 2024
cool idea
Avatar Blumberquack left feedback: May 2024
as visually nice as this map is, i don't think a map layout like this works. not fun to defend
Avatar NinjaB75 left feedback: May 2024
the detailing is nice. always good to see a map in the tf2 style
Avatar Nutitoo left feedback: May 2024
make it easier to tell points apart, a lot of the times i walk into B thinking im still on D or C
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2024
a lot of the layout feels unintuitive/cluttered, making cool idea harder to follow for first timers on the map
Avatar Lacry left feedback: May 2024
i like how the map looks, old tf2 style
Avatar Lullaby left feedback: May 2024
No extra time given when capping B point, all players in spawns are sent to Red spawn when B is capped, including Blu.
Avatar Nutitoo made an annotation at -2111 2048 150 while standing at -1695 2073 139 May 2024
weird light at the end of the tunnel
Avatar Blumberquack left feedback: May 2024
after B got capped, some blu spawned with red at reds last spawn
Avatar The -- Jorolap left feedback: May 2024
shutter doors are not good siteline blockers it gives 1 side an advantage
Avatar Nutitoo left feedback: May 2024
map has too many details and props which makes it hard for the eyes
Avatar Nutitoo left feedback: May 2024
some area feel overscaled, like C
Avatar Kiglirs left feedback: May 2024
but in addition, this map lacks optimisation, and have quite a lot of props. This is not a _final_fix i'm sorry
Avatar lil Loafy left feedback: May 2024
map is quite visually noisey
Avatar Nutitoo made an annotation at -979 217 130 while standing at -989 306 187 May 2024
why can red open this door but blu doesnt?
Avatar SomethingDeveloper made an annotation at -795 1932 455 while standing at -843 1926 497 May 2024
this paint can should be solid
Avatar Kiglirs left feedback: May 2024
i think the layout isn't good at all, and the gamemode is quite flawed in its design, especially the point letters
Avatar NinjaB75 left feedback: May 2024
i have no idea where I'm going
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -798 -1978 368 while standing at -759 -1726 380 May 2024
the arrows for E sign is really confusing, especially when going towards C
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: May 2024
2 rick may statues, one of which is out of place in a spytech area, feels VERY tonally inapropriate
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -2169 -1778 310 while standing at -2078 -1478 369 May 2024
I dislike players turning away from E to get to it
Avatar Mysterious Stranger left feedback: May 2024
is spawned in red's spawn??++?
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: May 2024
why is E marked as 'main' when theres no steel mechanics?
Avatar Tails8521 left feedback: May 2024
my hitsound keeps breaking on this map
Avatar Barion left feedback: May 2024
cool map reminds me of that math symbol I use sometimes for addition
Avatar Kiglirs left feedback: May 2024
defending c and d is such a chore, because the teams are so split, and the actual fight is on B, not yet unlocked
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 23 -1681 353 while standing at 14 -1747 372 May 2024
would like a more central resupply here instead of the hallway
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: May 2024
why are we capping the points out of alphabetic order? a > c/d > b > e?? needlessly confusing
Avatar Katsu! :3 made an annotation at -451 1765 84 while standing at -317 1716 137 May 2024
please clip this to be more forgiving!