50/0/50 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar hudsonstrub made an annotation at -2206 3544 280 while standing at -2119 3684 324 Yesterday
the 'upstairs' is cool but kinda op and hard to get to
Avatar Robogineer left feedback: Yesterday
had fun :D
Avatar GalacticSparrow made an annotation at -1743 2946 83 while standing at -763 3538 324 Yesterday
this spot, whoops
Avatar hudsonstrub made an annotation at -4957 2955 -43 while standing at -4559 2622 324 Yesterday
its so hard to setup as engie, map is kinda big
Avatar GalacticSparrow left feedback: Yesterday
very OP sniper sightline, looks over most routes from a distant, fairly safe location
Avatar floofy left feedback: Yesterday
I like the setting of this map it looks nice
Avatar Fault in Scrample left feedback: Yesterday
B is agonizing to push into
Avatar Fault in Scrample left feedback: Yesterday
not a fan of how two-note the high ground is; feels like theres 'ground' and '2nd floor' and thats it
Avatar sp_ruce made an annotation at -670 2866 17 while standing at -677 2966 75 Yesterday
this cable prop is basically fullbright, no idea why