

by Unknown


Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2015
Watch the demos back if you can. Look for times when the game progress stalls
"please make it end"
Avatar BloodyDelta made an annotation at -1440 1969 52 while standing at -1432 1972 55 June 2015
Sightline for snipers from MID.
teleporters OP
Avatar Corvatile made an annotation at 413 2272 50 while standing at 344 2134 68 June 2015
is this the forward spawn? what is this?
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2015
Try to avoid sniper lines that extend down corridors. It makes it hard to notice snipers
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2015
Some more metal at point 2 would be nice
Avatar Henke37 made an annotation at 5683 992 459 while standing at 6048 992 459 June 2015
reverse the order of the points on the hud so that capture progress flows properly
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -1401 1798 335 while standing at -1512 1794 388 June 2015
add hp here
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2015
Try to cut them down in to multiple smaller rooms
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2015
Map needs to be downscaled a ton before you can really judge anything
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2015
The world scale is still a bit of an issue. Most sections of the map are composed of open box rooms
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2015
Definite improvements to world geometry but still some way to go
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2015
Glad to see you seem to have taken feedback on board
Avatar seagulls eating your knees made an annotation at 2718 1307 68 while standing at 2728 1313 68 June 2015
Avatar 14bit made an annotation at 3160 2178 50 while standing at 3144 2277 68 June 2015
resuply cabinates don't work
Avatar norfolk left feedback: June 2015
mid has terrible cover
Avatar BloodyDelta made an annotation at -2048 3143 170 while standing at -2139 3253 203 June 2015
What's the point of this large box with the long ramp??
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: June 2015
add some indication of which side is which at mid
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: June 2015
too many ramps everywhere imo
Avatar Dannyrand left feedback: June 2015
layout seems decent but its just so big it's really hard to judge
Avatar radarhead made an annotation at 24 898 318 while standing at 72 939 340 June 2015
I was expecting a path here
Avatar Anreol made an annotation at 1429 628 122 while standing at 1458 606 132 June 2015
why middle its called C?
Avatar radarhead left feedback: June 2015
Very laggy at mid
Avatar Anreol left feedback: June 2015
i got lost in the map, add signs
Avatar Dannyrand left feedback: June 2015
no signage so far, I dunno where to go after point 2
Avatar Taxicat made an annotation at 2719 1376 63 while standing at 2779 1403 65 June 2015
this window is very weird
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: June 2015
route to last to cp2 is now super complicated and whaaat
Avatar radarhead left feedback: June 2015
Overscaling is obvious, especially vertically
Avatar Dannyrand made an annotation at -836 4282 351 while standing at -816 4796 75 June 2015
thats huge