47/0/53 Round Win % (17 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Эмil made an annotation at -2636 -2546 -289 while standing at -2573 -2468 -244 September 2019
not align texture
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: January 2019
overall the map is pretty good
Avatar Harribo left feedback: January 2019
yeah i like this map, the overhang on A where you can stick a sentry under as red is the only thing i can think of to chang
Avatar Succubus Gaming left feedback: January 2019
this map feels almost ready for beta imo
Avatar puxorb left feedback: January 2019
this map is pretty well balanced and has a lot of fun options to attack both points. Everyone seems to be having fun!
Avatar ZungryWare made an annotation at -1032 -2394 -118 while standing at -818 -2362 -59 January 2019
I love this route here.
Avatar Succubus Gaming made an annotation at -2188 -1526 -126 while standing at -2183 -1511 -123 January 2019
clip the edge of this
Avatar //HEI-HIKO left feedback: January 2019
last feels nice now
Avatar Stuffy360 left feedback: January 2019
disable red's control point 1 camera once control point 1 has been capped
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) made an annotation at 628 919 55 while standing at 381 1010 111 January 2019
rockets shot through this door bastard
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at -992 -1055 -198 while standing at -1395 -1111 -36 January 2019
i have no idea where this stairwell goes lol
Avatar Nɐǝq made an annotation at -1040 -1079 -58 while standing at -1191 -1056 -106 January 2019
geometry of this wall looks a bit weird
Avatar LemurHugger made an annotation at 326 75 -61 while standing at -7 -679 436 January 2019
I can stand on this high up ledge