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Sapphire - A4

by B!scuit


Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: February 2018
theres too many ways into last and just too many places to go and you have to walk sooo far, im never with my team
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: February 2018
itll help people not split up so dang much
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: February 2018
add a forward spawn for blu after capping the first three, and raise the respawn time
Avatar Shadow Esper left feedback: February 2018
d would do good for a forward cap for blu
Avatar Tails8521 left feedback: February 2018
a forward spawn for blu while capping d would be welcome
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: February 2018
B feels too close to the attackers side
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -7 -1313 -105 while standing at 22 -1328 -76 February 2018
clip these
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: February 2018
Some corridors feel narrow and the brushwork in some area should be cleaned up/clipped.
Avatar on linkedin for dating made an annotation at -524 107 -312 while standing at -754 221 -251 February 2018
for how big this cave area is, very little people seem to use it
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: February 2018
BLU dumps out into B, where is A?
Avatar erk made an annotation at -345 -1702 42 while standing at -345 -1700 43 February 2018
door texture bless u for using this texture no one else does
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: February 2018
the exit for reds first spawn feels pretty strange