100/0/0 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)

Satel - A7a

by [T.C.B.M]DrSquishy


Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: May 2018
Most information in demo files
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: May 2018
Layout also needs to be simplified - think Borneo or Mossrock perhaps?
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: May 2018
Forward spawn needed - shortcuts for Blu would be hard.
Avatar erk left feedback: May 2018
add a forward spawn for blu after a is capped
Avatar Dragonisser left feedback: May 2018
add bottom exit for red at last point
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 492 -2455 273 while standing at 674 -2219 206 May 2018
not sure what this tube adds. looks weird
Avatar kube made an annotation at 1632 -1569 342 while standing at 1694 -1527 391 May 2018
not enough spawnpoints, have 16
Avatar md made an annotation at 82 -1765 216 while standing at 54 -1694 244 May 2018
this ramp is a bit hidden/hard to see if you don't know it's there
Avatar Tumby made an annotation at 1255 611 370 while standing at 1518 718 291 May 2018
did you disable mipmaps for this texture? im not sure if thats a good diea
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -522 -417 408 while standing at -558 -106 235 May 2018
to be clear i'm refering to this overlay
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -511 -413 471 while standing at -643 485 331 May 2018
tf2 textures usually aren't this close to black