33/0/67 Round Win % (12 rounds) (Click for more information)

Sentinel - Alpha 5

by Keizer Ei


Avatar my medic is a 3rd grader made an annotation at -297 396 603 while standing at -1653 1662 772 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Vinny Stromboli left feedback: December 2021
both points seem to have one too many routes, maybe you can tighten them all up so red doesnt need to watch 12 areas atonce
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus made an annotation at -2372 221 801 while standing at -2287 -1767 715 December 2021
cheese spider spot
Avatar Vinny Stromboli left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -3022 -1758 857 while standing at -2983 -1508 921 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus made an annotation at -1894 1307 492 while standing at -1937 718 523 December 2021
I feel like this route could be removed, but thats coming from a medic that flanked from behind through it
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -1566 -625 728 while standing at -2086 -902 707 December 2021
another reason you can't really defend this low ground is because BLU just gets to skip your hold with this route
Avatar Vinny Stromboli made an annotation at -1455 -1661 716 while standing at -1361 -1556 772 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Vinny Stromboli made an annotation at -2869 812 1004 while standing at -2699 558 804 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: December 2021
I can never get set up anywhere as BLU because RED just comes from the side or behind
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus made an annotation at -1186 -224 806 while standing at -1306 -248 797 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -430 155 569 while standing at -423 80 587 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Stack Man left feedback: December 2021
at A*
Avatar Stack Man left feedback: December 2021
sewer grate at a needs to be clipped on the sides
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 2162 -659 335 while standing at 2446 -626 388 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Vinny Stromboli made an annotation at -376 -229 726 while standing at -381 -282 772 December 2021
if you get rid of red's easy access to this window, it might make pushing A more fair,
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -2146 -552 530 while standing at -2242 -1029 714 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 20 1504 535 while standing at -39 1607 647 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Tiftid made an annotation at -2625 526 753 while standing at -2778 497 842 December 2021
this space is never used but it makes B undefendable because BLU just gets to skip RED's forward hold
Avatar Tiftid left feedback: December 2021
RED can't really form a forward hold on B no matter how hard they try
Avatar Vinny Stromboli made an annotation at 1121 703 590 while standing at 1091 590 644 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus made an annotation at -1133 -904 766 while standing at -1112 -919 811 December 2021
big ol' dead end here>
Avatar Seidragon made an annotation at 560 -1957 81 while standing at 505 -1438 521 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus made an annotation at 29 358 524 while standing at -368 -149 779 December 2021
blue has no safe spot on the point cause this window see's all
Avatar Vinny Stromboli left feedback: December 2021
the individual spaes of A are pretty fun to defend, but theyre spaced out so far its hard for Red to cover all the ground
Avatar Fault in Leiostomus Xanthurus made an annotation at 3674 -524 204 while standing at 3723 -200 332 December 2021
why is this spawn exit so far away from the other two?
Avatar Vinny Stromboli made an annotation at -1436 610 772 while standing at -1459 573 772 December 2021
need a big ol RIGHT arrow here to help direct us to A
Avatar i3green made an annotation at -1366 605 790 while standing at -1381 517 804 December 2021
put an arrow on this wall to better direct players to point A
Avatar Keizer Ei made an annotation at 220 1410 521 while standing at 12 1341 580 (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Enderspoons left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar devil are cry made an annotation at 2895 201 332 while standing at 2805 219 348 December 2021
Avatar Enderspoons left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: December 2021
optimize map
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: December 2021
and the disp seam near it
Avatar Keizer Ei left feedback: December 2021
fix the omega sightline from the lower cliff flank to blu spawn door
Avatar Lacry left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar teufort left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Stack Man left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar on linkedin for dating left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar Эмil left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar on linkedin for dating left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021
Avatar PSQ, pd enjoyer left feedback: (Completed - View) December 2021