33/0/67 Round Win % (3 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar [SpA]Scatterbrain left feedback: May 2023
ok you can't see anyone in the tree before they shoot lmao
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 1286 -287 -21 while standing at 1251 -462 36 May 2023
felt like this super wide flank made it very easy for red to get behind us while pushing
Avatar chin made an annotation at 2785 5479 559 while standing at 2767 5513 636 May 2023
clip weird
Avatar SirUnknown left feedback: May 2023
the train killbox is wider than the train itself, you get killed by touching the side of it
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 746 1886 156 while standing at 888 1895 212 May 2023
I couldn't build in this room while pushing B, probably because it used to be a spawn
Avatar [SpA]Scatterbrain left feedback: May 2023
(1/?) flanks seem really good but teams aren't using them, might be because better signposting needed or because points are
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 109 -1426 -46 while standing at 98 -1652 -43 May 2023
B feels like a really long walk for blu
Avatar DROPPING UBER BC IM BORED left feedback: May 2023
there is no sentry spot on b that isnt immediately outranged
Avatar [SpA]Scatterbrain left feedback: May 2023
being able to jump into trees as soldier is really fun please keep
Avatar Cake-sama left feedback: May 2023
i love how open the map is
Avatar [SpA]Scatterbrain left feedback: May 2023
after capping 2nd, changing class in BLU's original spawn doesn't put them in the new forward span
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: May 2023
I like what the map is going for aesthetically
Avatar Cake-sama left feedback: May 2023
would be cool if you could stand on top of the train
Avatar Alex EatDonut left feedback: May 2023
hard to tell as red where to go due to all walls being gray and not indicating where blu us