100/0/0 Round Win % (2 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Sause left feedback: May 2023
blu spawn is kinda cumbersome to navigate and seems hard to properly push out, maybe add a third higher exit?
Avatar SirUnknown made an annotation at 3277 -391 -98 while standing at 3303 -390 -59 May 2023
a guarenteed rare spell should probably be somewhere risky rather than slightly hidden here
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at 2679 -245 54 while standing at 2693 -242 61 May 2023
You can get in here with the mini spell
Avatar Engineer Space Program left feedback: May 2023
attackers rush to B before capping A, resulting in some spawncamping
Avatar zythe_ made an annotation at 801 1244 -76 while standing at 679 1106 -59 May 2023
what is the point of having a jumppad that launches you away from where you want to go?
Avatar TFD left feedback: May 2023
the highground flank has a nodraw roof, I can look into it while rocket jumping
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2023
felt better with a forward spawn
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2023
I miss the old B point, maybe just me?
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: May 2023
halloween maps that have no strong idea other than 'the same gimmicks from years past' over again tend to be really boring.
Avatar Engineer Space Program left feedback: May 2023
Throwing halloween gimmicks in is not a hotfix for map issues
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: May 2023
forgot to add nav mesh, you need to generate one, and then pack it like you would any other asset
Avatar Engineer Space Program left feedback: May 2023
map is dark cant tell team colors
Avatar (goob) greg left feedback: May 2023
hhh doesn't move
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2023
there is no nav mesh packed in
Avatar zythe_ left feedback: May 2023
remove spells
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 3136 2595 -52 while standing at 3136 2688 -52 May 2023
add more spells
Avatar the goldrush update left feedback: May 2023
don't add spells to a/d maps, Valve's halloween maps are symetriacal gamemodes for a reason