
Theory - a12

by tyler ☂


Avatar Un3lpful made an annotation at -3154 1660 -434 while standing at -3364 1614 -341 July 2015
this seems like a sentry spot but has too many visible points
Avatar Trotim made an annotation at -4590 -2411 -164 while standing at -4616 -2390 -123 July 2015
def sentry here
Avatar Un3lpful left feedback: July 2015
A needs some more viable sentry placements.
Avatar NassimO made an annotation at -3549 -3536 -164 while standing at -3474 -3536 -155 July 2015
maybe add a no return doorway to the other side
Avatar ibex left feedback: July 2015
It was really hard to get anything setup as an engi at the beginning
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -3570 1926 -598 while standing at -4496 1603 -316 July 2015
never saw this route for red or blue all the rounds
Avatar seagulls eating your knees made an annotation at -3274 1580 -471 while standing at -3286 786 -275 July 2015
A is way too big and wide to be defendable as engi
Avatar Bloodhound left feedback: July 2015
pushing C from the upper route was hard because of too many enemies coming. the lower route was sure death most times.
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -3040 949 -474 while standing at -2075 1161 -324 July 2015
this should take you to the A point
Avatar Turbo Lover made an annotation at -4526 -2984 -558 while standing at -4642 -2895 -123 July 2015
but actually pushing is way down here
Avatar Turbo Lover made an annotation at -4004 -2893 -299 while standing at -4642 -2895 -123 July 2015
staging area is up here
Avatar Turbo Lover made an annotation at -4427 -3065 -562 while standing at -4642 -2895 -123 July 2015
I don't like how much of C is this massive pit
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -1540 3458 -532 while standing at -1435 3848 -532 July 2015
map feels overscaled have no idea where I'm going and missing some obvious fnaking routes that shouldbe there
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
Teleporters feel like a prerequisite for victory
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: July 2015
for the love of god add a forward spawn
Avatar Un3lpful left feedback: July 2015
caps for A and B are slow considering there is no more defence here.
Avatar Turbo Lover left feedback: July 2015
Point C is Huge and Sentries
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: July 2015
while C is really hard to cap, it's really easy to attack. sentries go down easy
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -3203 314 -474 while standing at -3244 1180 -411 July 2015
should also allow blue to go right from this point
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: July 2015
either make C cap like badlands last or add a main route onto the cap point
Avatar Trotim left feedback: July 2015
I can't see myself going through the bottom route ever, so dangerous
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: July 2015
feels futile to play engie on either team
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -2316 -2460 -283 while standing at -2631 -1661 -379 July 2015
stuck here
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: July 2015
I don't like playing engie at A, you can't cover the CP with a sentry at all
Avatar Taxicat made an annotation at -2667 1812 -685 while standing at -2726 1828 -654 July 2015
what is this
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: July 2015
lacks a main route onto the C cap point
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -2279 -3220 -445 while standing at -2083 -2464 -379 July 2015
this passage takes you nowhere
Avatar aui left feedback: July 2015
A and B are too easy to cap while C is close to impossible
Avatar Un3lpful made an annotation at -6440 -1304 -11 while standing at -6800 -1664 -11 July 2015
Forward spawns would be nice to shorten red walks to A
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -901 -1952 -570 while standing at -700 -1184 -283 July 2015
need a bridge here to go over there B
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: July 2015
feels like there's no point to defending A and B because blue will take them 95% of the time
Avatar Kill_the_Bug made an annotation at -1607 -159 -558 while standing at -1761 235 -539 July 2015
this door if it doesn't open should have the hand texture on it
Avatar aui left feedback: July 2015
takes too long to get to A
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: July 2015
engie still sucks on A
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
Map doesn't feel fun to play. maybe too large/long
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
I feel lost and alone travelling from red spawn to 2. I can't see my team.
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
Gameplay after 1st is capped is very quiet.
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at -2448 -1186 -385 while standing at -2489 -1586 -379 July 2015
This setup door's function is not obvious. It looks like a respawn room.
Avatar sharkgirl gaming made an annotation at -48 -988 -449 while standing at -46 -1031 -375 July 2015
this is kinda weird looking
Avatar sharkgirl gaming made an annotation at -2245 -2331 -472 while standing at -2247 -2329 -470 July 2015
collision model of fence makes jumps impossible
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
Offensive engi between A and B really sucks arse
Avatar Jetamo left feedback: July 2015
distance of spawn from first point seems to separate the team/classes quite a bit? idk just spitballing
Avatar Aces left feedback: July 2015
red could use a foward spawn for poiunt 1
Avatar ryacom left feedback: July 2015
map is gigantic
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: July 2015
red really needs a forward spawn for the 1st point
Avatar chronicdiscord left feedback: July 2015
this map seems a bit large, reasonbly balanced, but big
Avatar Taxicat made an annotation at -3165 1609 -684 while standing at -2933 1583 -656 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Jetamo left feedback: July 2015
RED could do with a slight forward spawn, perhaps? seems like defense of A seemed really scattered, only first round tho
Avatar Taxicat left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015