50/0/50 Round Win % (2 rounds) (Click for more information)

Trainyard - Alpha 1

by Bombraker (Midas)


Avatar Thewtus made an annotation at 1400 -124 13 while standing at 1511 -43 68 October 2018
seam here
Avatar YOYOYO made an annotation at 492 -1396 0 while standing at 486 -1362 0 October 2018
i cant see the enemy team!
Avatar erk made an annotation at -378 -1969 343 while standing at -150 -2011 484 October 2018
the highground here is really bad for attackers
Avatar Miss Holiday made an annotation at -1681 -1657 65 while standing at -1647 -1653 62 October 2018
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! left feedback: October 2018
I could not see the sniper who was standing in front of me because it was so dark
Avatar Thewtus made an annotation at -1375 -2641 104 while standing at -1382 -2733 130 October 2018
the door is so slow/trigger is too small that people get caught on it
Avatar erk left feedback: October 2018
theres not really any health or ammo to use
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! left feedback: October 2018
It's so dark
Avatar koi made an annotation at 272 -629 449 while standing at 298 -615 484 October 2018
is standing up here intended?
Avatar nonon made an annotation at 1002 -956 2 while standing at 933 -1542 48 October 2018
Ridiculously dark in some areas. Blue just blends in
Avatar YOYOYO made an annotation at -1331 -2696 127 while standing at -1412 -2696 127 October 2018
why is it inversed? blu defends red. IF this is a starter map, i wouldn't try to inoovate too much
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! left feedback: October 2018
Make more than 1 route to the CP
Avatar Thewtus made an annotation at 1321 -1729 444 while standing at 1132 -1466 452 October 2018
what is the point of this room? it doesn't lead anywhere
Avatar Thewtus left feedback: October 2018
20 second respawn on attack
Avatar Malarby's Mann left feedback: October 2018
can hurt people through spawn doors
Avatar Glubbable ❥ left feedback: October 2018
teams don't get swapped after round ends.
Avatar 🎃Benoist666🎃 left feedback: October 2018
it takes 25 sec to reach first cp as blu from spawn
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! made an annotation at -1414 -1715 109 while standing at -1413 -1666 130 October 2018
These doors are frustrating, they don't open wide enough and the trigger is so small I walk into it every time
Avatar erk left feedback: October 2018
a lot of this map is really dark
Avatar YOYOYO made an annotation at 1804 64 -121 while standing at 2304 -71 -318 October 2018
very very steep ramps
Avatar Glubbable ❥ made an annotation at -72 -448 33 while standing at -152 -490 132 October 2018
not enough space to get through here, even though it looks passable
Avatar Sarijinn made an annotation at 1867 -1965 388 while standing at 2317 -2121 452 October 2018
what purpose does this room serve?
Avatar nonon made an annotation at 1944 -1819 421 while standing at 2253 -2203 449 October 2018
Ridiculously huge
Avatar Malarby's Mann left feedback: October 2018
shrink the map
Avatar phi left feedback: October 2018
you should not make blu defense in a normal a/d map, it deeply confuses players, just use red as defense
Avatar erk left feedback: October 2018
why invert teams
Avatar Help! Raccoons took my penis! left feedback: October 2018
Use TF textures, not HL
Avatar Glubbable ❥ made an annotation at -2815 -1890 163 while standing at -2817 -1838 196 October 2018
floating resupply
Avatar Glubbable ❥ made an annotation at -2647 -1924 169 while standing at -2620 -1889 196 October 2018
floating doors
Avatar norfolk left feedback: July 2015
slow cap for last
Avatar Idolon left feedback: July 2015
standing on 2nd is really nerve wracking, you can get attacked from a lot of directions on defense
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at -7391 35 213 while standing at -7614 131 260 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Suomimies55 left feedback: July 2015
the second points feel huge
Avatar Melvineer left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar phi left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Idolon left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar piss baby left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -1826 937 311 while standing at -4439 1143 257 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Melvineer made an annotation at -7293 1 250 while standing at -7252 2 260 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar re1wind left feedback: July 2015
map feels a bit overscaled. the middle is less interesting than the 2nd cap points
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 7467 29 212 while standing at 7531 24 257 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Veng made an annotation at 197 -658 15 while standing at 322 -665 75 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 2753 -288 -71 while standing at 2713 -323 -20 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Mayh left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar re1wind left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Giovanni left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Veng left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Idolon left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Idolon left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Veng made an annotation at 4317 375 329 while standing at 2341 439 75 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Veng made an annotation at -7394 -38 253 while standing at -7571 -32 267 (Completed - View) July 2015