33/0/67 Round Win % (6 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar pierogi made an annotation at -2899 105 -547 while standing at -4535 631 -188 May 2023
this areaportal is too short
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -974 429 -161 while standing at -979 427 -161 May 2023
consider ditching this forward spawn and simply opening a door here instead, engineers and teleporters will thank you
i like the layout, feels overscaled in some areas though
Avatar Gamer_X left feedback: May 2023
feels a bit large, but overall very fun and unique
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: May 2023
needs some lighting improvements though, a couple areas are very dark and hard to read
Avatar ☭The☭Salacious☭B.U.N☭ made an annotation at -6376 4414 -191 while standing at -6556 4551 -198 May 2023
lights react alittle weird with doors
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: May 2023
I love the layout, really cool
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
really hard to push out of last
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
why can't I revert this capture on last
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -3702 1295 -554 while standing at -3658 1335 -507 May 2023
not super clear which direction to go from this spawn
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
this map is scout hell
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
middle cap time is quite short
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: May 2023
Last feels quite hard to successfully defend
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -5753 4603 -9 while standing at -5664 4683 44 May 2023
this needs to be brighter
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -4330 1706 -551 while standing at -4287 1694 -507 May 2023
very dark corner
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
last point should use final point sounds
Avatar Tails8521 left feedback: May 2023
there may be a bit too much health around the second point, the big healthpack in particular seems a bit iffy
Avatar pierogi made an annotation at -2601 -216 -561 while standing at -2444 187 -357 May 2023
could do with a bunch of tires here or something it's a bit bare
Avatar pierogi made an annotation at -1484 -1347 -146 while standing at -2167 -923 -195 May 2023
fog start is too low here
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
you might just remove the glass doors as they only block bullets and projectiles
Avatar Freeze'et left feedback: May 2023
i think you should add some arrow overlays to indicate where to go
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
why is there a trigger_push there? Just make an actual ceiling if you think it's unbalanced
Avatar pierogi left feedback: May 2023
glass doors are a bit odd try a different texture
Avatar Mystyc Cheez made an annotation at -1856 -217 -248 while standing at -1782 -145 -195 May 2023
which way do i go out of spawn? need a sign
Avatar AlrexX left feedback: May 2023
environment lighting might be a bit off, try a more orangeish tone