40/0/60 Round Win % (5 rounds) (Click for more information)

Takeover - A7

by BodyshotLemon


Avatar when you I the the other and me left feedback: June 2019
got it but maybe put the A and C signs on the outside lower
Avatar Эмil left feedback: June 2019
might some more fixes and this map can be fun
Avatar Эмil left feedback: June 2019
tbf map become better since previous verrsion, I like it
Avatar when you I the the other and me left feedback: June 2019
i dont know which side is which point when im on mid
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -1951 2569 423 while standing at -1560 2719 384 June 2019
door pops out of the roof of spawn
Avatar AsG_Alligator left feedback: June 2019
no resupply lockers in spawn?
Avatar coin made an annotation at -1347 2568 449 while standing at -1671 2568 449 June 2019
get rid of pointless hallways
Avatar Dr. Sir Knight left feedback: June 2019
Make signs on buildings more visible
Avatar AsG_Alligator left feedback: June 2019
clip the square cap model or use a standard round one cause people get stuck on it
Avatar Dr. Sir Knight left feedback: June 2019
Add big signs on both buildings to signal A and C points, it's hard to tell which is which
Avatar Jeff Magnum: Air Crash Investig made an annotation at 2137 -737 542 while standing at 2115 -740 577 June 2019
clip this truck manually if you want it in a gameplay space, the collision model isn't accurate
Avatar AsG_Alligator left feedback: June 2019
it is also hard to fix it afterwards, build your skybox brushes close to your geometry as you build your map
Avatar Vitamin Celsius left feedback: June 2019
some oversizing, a is oddly long
Avatar AsG_Alligator left feedback: June 2019
dont diaper-seal your map with a skybox box, its real bad for performance
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: June 2019
it feels like you made a koth mid then threw some other points on the side - I'd like to be lead to the others a bit more
Avatar coin made an annotation at -1872 2347 449 while standing at -1872 2664 449 June 2019
really neat gamemode
Avatar Hrambelj made an annotation at -1347 2664 459 while standing at -1672 2664 459 June 2019
nice gamemode
Avatar AsG_Alligator made an annotation at 2318 11 228 while standing at 2408 33 274 June 2019
it took me a long while to find one of these side points
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: June 2019
PLEASE stop using shite diaper skyboxes. They suck and are pathetic
Avatar AsG_Alligator made an annotation at 538 -844 1003 while standing at -1029 340 257 June 2019
thats some thicc roof
Avatar Wilson (Overwatch) left feedback: June 2019
my performance at parts is HORRIBLE. I go from 250 FPS to 40