100/0/0 Round Win % (2 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Joshenkstone left feedback: July 2016
the doorways in the halways goin' to the intel room have colision enabled.
Avatar LeSwordfish made an annotation at -1789 -2724 -147 while standing at -1753 -2641 -112 July 2016
some indication that this is the intel room please!
Avatar Gaz made an annotation at 562 737 132 while standing at 562 897 132 July 2016
camping spawn is too easy
Avatar piippon made an annotation at 441 1175 -122 while standing at 613 1000 -91 July 2016
these exits far too close to each other and too small
Avatar chemelia left feedback: July 2016
it's easier to camp their spawn than it is to cap their intel
Avatar piippon made an annotation at 962 527 69 while standing at 1111 296 137 July 2016
spawn too close to intel, base too small and cramped in general
Avatar Urban left feedback: July 2016
need more spawn exits, one is prome to being spammed
Avatar chemelia left feedback: July 2016
most of mid is very dark
Avatar chemelia made an annotation at 125 -58 119 while standing at 124 -14 159 July 2016
clip this, no one likes to jump
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at -722 -737 76 while standing at -829 -837 132 July 2016
here it would be cool to have landmines
Avatar LeSwordfish left feedback: July 2016
not only is there ony one way OUT of the intel but it seems nobody can find the other way in either
Avatar >Matches left feedback: July 2016
the whole center seem too dark
Avatar LeSwordfish left feedback: July 2016
this area feels very cramped and confusing
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: July 2016
outside needs a little more illumination
Avatar Shadow Esper left feedback: July 2016
only 1 route out of intel, and that's RIGHT NEXT to the enemy spawn
Avatar >Matches made an annotation at -866 -746 112 while standing at -516 -477 186 July 2016
its a bit dark here