0/0/100 Round Win % (6 rounds) (Click for more information)


by AlrexX

  • Game Mode: Capture The Flag
  • Allowing Feedback: Yes
  • Thread: Unknown
  • Last Seen: May 2023 on Demos


Avatar ❣Strix❣ made an annotation at -667 1788 148 while standing at -999 1768 392 May 2023
this could be an issue standing here
Avatar dewe made an annotation at 1546 -1791 -220 while standing at 1577 -1680 -190 May 2023
this platform isnt big enough
Avatar SirUnknown made an annotation at 1186 -663 279 while standing at 1209 -682 305 May 2023
genuinely like this window door thing
Avatar func_meow (girl gamer) left feedback: May 2023
fun map
Avatar dewe made an annotation at 1701 -1670 -160 while standing at 1702 -1691 -135 May 2023
this stair has a corner that's weird to walk on
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at -1770 1968 160 while standing at -1758 1959 196 May 2023
amazing skybox detailing
Avatar dewe made an annotation at -193 414 147 while standing at -119 272 289 May 2023
this tall stack of barrels looks ugly
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at 1965 -415 149 while standing at 1962 -481 202 May 2023
Why can't I build here??
Avatar Stack Man made an annotation at 1232 -695 -253 while standing at 1296 -757 -199 May 2023
stickies and pills float on this water. might be something with the textuer
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 1421 -2459 -258 while standing at 1534 -2312 7 May 2023
don't like this very back corner
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2023
Make the attacking area more visible if you can! It's super easy to miss for defenders, but hella strong
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2023
May wanna consider removing some of the fully closed doors. They can be a tad confusing even though well marked
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2023
I like how fun (if a bit overchaotic) this map is. Prevents a lot of the usual CTF stalling.
Avatar Kaia! left feedback: May 2023
With so much of the map being in shadow, maybe try highlighting routes more with lighting? (LDR)
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -1049 -63 51 while standing at -422 -327 75 May 2023
a lot of wood barriers don't read as walls or make it look like paths aren't there
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: May 2023
I'm having fun
Avatar dewe made an annotation at -327 1345 64 while standing at -240 1647 164 May 2023
i like this added flank
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: May 2023
Too many nobuild areas around the map for seemingly no reason, let me build in weird places
Avatar Lizard Of Oz made an annotation at 1245 -404 -195 while standing at 1235 -420 -162 May 2023
wish you could prop-climb here
Avatar dewe made an annotation at 1570 -1151 -245 while standing at 1795 -844 -126 May 2023
stairs here look too big
Avatar func_meow (girl gamer) made an annotation at 668 -375 -256 while standing at 999 -880 63 May 2023
clip this
Avatar Lizard Of Oz left feedback: May 2023
fun ctf map
Avatar punkrocksnepgfΘΔ(she/they/its made an annotation at -998 1354 193 while standing at -999 1347 193 May 2023
zfighting props
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -1425 2179 -113 while standing at -1436 2175 -107 May 2023
clip here
Avatar Gruppy made an annotation at 1658 -2138 -379 while standing at 1459 -2357 -267 May 2023
PLS let me build in here
Avatar kube left feedback: May 2023
you could get away with reducing sunlight strength a tad (emphasizing point lights)
Avatar ❣Strix❣ left feedback: May 2023
love all the interesting flank routes
Avatar kube left feedback: May 2023
consider texture swaps/tonemap tweaks to reduce visual noise. msg me if u need options lol
Avatar dewe left feedback: May 2023
this map is better as a ctf map than koth imo
Avatar kube left feedback: May 2023
consider making a bit of water at mid deep enough to extinguish flames
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: May 2023
Tight ctf is fun