

by BOMBRAKER (Midas)


Avatar re1wind made an annotation at 344 11 -30 while standing at 113 -744 392 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
There are many routes in this map, perhaps too many. Considering condensing some or improving vision in to them
Avatar tyler left feedback: July 2015
doesnt feel like a tf2 map
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at -833 -536 430 while standing at -552 -743 1029 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ibex left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ryacom left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: July 2015
Detailing is nice but colour is too red overall
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -1504 -632 127 while standing at -1259 -646 1 July 2015
too bright
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at -3708 -166 -170 while standing at -3740 -226 -123 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -257 321 736 while standing at -258 397 741 July 2015
hl2 prop
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 5 -875 467 while standing at 97 -510 497 July 2015
why does the cablechange?
Avatar Shady The First left feedback: July 2015
too much eye candy lighty pretty clusterfuck CRAZY COLORS
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 438 462 248 while standing at 369 243 307 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -3788 244 -162 while standing at -3486 102 -50 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 2502 -1445 67 while standing at 2552 -1353 68 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -3292 -312 100 while standing at -3119 -347 51 July 2015
too bright
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 1746 -1650 84 while standing at 2276 -1716 79 July 2015
too bright
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 2337 -1302 94 while standing at 2559 -1492 79 July 2015
too bright
Avatar ryacom made an annotation at -2753 187 -136 while standing at -2871 330 -123 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 2082 -520 -96 while standing at 2717 -648 -61 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 1520 -610 19 while standing at 1595 -593 68 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 3911 26 -32 while standing at 3482 174 99 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 2451 917 -82 while standing at 2793 691 48 July 2015
this kind of detailing feels totally randoml
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 2644 531 88 while standing at 2560 587 65 July 2015
oh god my eyes
Avatar Melvineer made an annotation at 2753 560 129 while standing at 2806 565 35 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -229 -402 -108 while standing at -208 -56 -78 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ryacom made an annotation at -1599 -263 140 while standing at -2070 -270 372 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -87 313 -168 while standing at 30 239 -137 July 2015
fix these
Avatar tyler left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Suomimies55 made an annotation at -2621 1918 15 while standing at -2103 1861 68 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ryacom made an annotation at -2466 45 -122 while standing at -2608 22 -123 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 1602 -426 186 while standing at 1922 -457 203 July 2015
this exit is useless because its so easy to spam or watch with a sniper
Avatar ⛐ worMatty made an annotation at 2561 457 -163 while standing at 2456 269 -123 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 1413 -624 302 while standing at 1535 -760 233 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at 1249 -404 24 while standing at 1214 -440 69 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -1364 412 20 while standing at -1361 482 66 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at -515 621 223 while standing at -395 985 1252 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Suomimies55 made an annotation at -1636 417 166 while standing at -1766 411 151 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler left feedback: July 2015
detailing and general design seems really busy, cluttered, and disorganized
Avatar Suomimies55 made an annotation at -2248 1672 124 while standing at -2249 1672 68 July 2015
hl2 texture ceiling
Avatar tyler made an annotation at -2550 -526 57 while standing at -2412 -782 152 July 2015
hl2 fence
Avatar ibex made an annotation at 3137 279 224 while standing at 3084 279 260 July 2015
why skylights in an underground place?
Avatar SHOGUN made an annotation at -3469 690 125 while standing at -3517 743 186 July 2015
these tanks need clipping
Avatar Suomimies55 made an annotation at -2866 -45 356 while standing at -2435 -731 227 July 2015
hl2 fences
Avatar |TAW| Humans are Weak left feedback: July 2015
maybe a bit too many exits
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 115 348 147 while standing at -230 349 208 July 2015
give this real supports
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 1333 481 187 while standing at 1453 356 269 July 2015
why is this rock/dirt
Avatar tyler left feedback: July 2015
lighting everywhere feels really weird
Avatar tyler left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: July 2015
hdr settings seem really bright in spots
Avatar |TAW| Humans are Weak made an annotation at -1181 429 8 while standing at -1511 248 69 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar 🐀 made an annotation at 1153 -416 19 while standing at 1444 -387 69 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Suomimies55 left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 3082 181 45 while standing at 3109 264 68 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Kayliah made an annotation at 2747 320 65 while standing at 3168 320 65 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar tyler made an annotation at 3015 -445 101 while standing at 3015 -273 68 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar mdpenguino made an annotation at -1602 -277 62 while standing at -2475 -313 75 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar |TAW| Humans are Weak made an annotation at -1857 253 63 while standing at -1852 210 68 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -3096 450 82 while standing at -3264 192 65 (Completed - View) July 2015
Avatar Acadium made an annotation at -2529 1440 126 while standing at -2607 1005 -68 July 2015
Lights right here are a little too bright