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by Nuketonium-239


Avatar AlpacaLord made an annotation at 1057 -1569 13 while standing at 1429 -1651 68 December 2016
maybe turn the spawn location the the batlements
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -2572 2476 0 while standing at -2439 2480 4 December 2016
dead end? what's the point in this?
Avatar AlpacaLord made an annotation at 1384 -26 -114 while standing at 1316 97 -59 December 2016
I don't like the medium healtpack behind this cover, it's to easy to run away
Avatar Berry made an annotation at -485 1709 -25 while standing at -344 1943 4 December 2016
these doors confuse what is spawn
Avatar Berry left feedback: December 2016
indoor maps in TF2 need to still have the same map ceilings to be as well designed
Avatar erk left feedback: December 2016
capping takes forever, and you have to do it three times which is 3 x forever
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor made an annotation at -1570 111 -88 while standing at -1611 111 -19 December 2016
disable collisions on these rail props
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 310 464 159 while standing at 355 480 196 December 2016
clip this too pls
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor made an annotation at -1979 1840 20 while standing at -1983 1918 75 December 2016
try to expand these hallways, and make it less hallway-ey. its really awkward to play on and it becomes a confusing maze
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 359 73 -100 while standing at 445 87 -47 December 2016
make this func_brush and disable solidity - alternatively, give it smooth clipping so ppl don't judder up and down on it
Avatar Snowshoe left feedback: December 2016
MAKE THE BEEPING STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 1022 1315 362 while standing at 1266 1335 196 December 2016
did you carve this arch? pls use the arch tool
Avatar breakbitch hardcore made an annotation at -1157 -1280 144 while standing at -1163 -1372 193 December 2016
put a point here or something
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 1324 1280 178 while standing at 1150 1050 196 December 2016
not clear you cant use this
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor made an annotation at 1589 -2003 33 while standing at 1602 -2002 79 December 2016
having to do a complete 180 out of spawn to get to the main battle is really annoying
Avatar Berry left feedback: December 2016
sloped water will bug out!!
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor made an annotation at -507 -681 162 while standing at -510 -686 188 December 2016
on this side the door opens too slowly, extend the trigger
Avatar Berry made an annotation at -109 -581 50 while standing at -57 -597 64 December 2016
awkward to play on
Avatar Snowshoe left feedback: December 2016
where do i go
Avatar Berry made an annotation at -2324 2149 6 while standing at -2296 2100 52 December 2016
make it so we dont gotta crouch jump this pls