100/0/0 Round Win % (2 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Paper Shadow made an annotation at 6302 5325 100 while standing at 6096 5275 139 March 2023
And this one simplified
Avatar Paper Shadow made an annotation at 7107 2382 0 while standing at 7487 2455 94 March 2023
I would like to see this area made more interesting
Avatar Paper Shadow made an annotation at 9364 4131 257 while standing at 9847 4366 331 March 2023
I think you could move the left route entrance here, it'll cut down on walking time
Avatar Luna Lana made an annotation at 7087 4225 80 while standing at 6747 4201 269 March 2023
add some extra cover to defend players capturing the point from getting sniped from the ramparts
Avatar Paper Shadow left feedback: March 2023
Struggling to find pickups while retreating from the point
Avatar Paper Shadow left feedback: March 2023
There seems to be a spawn on the Capture Point
Avatar Paper Shadow left feedback: March 2023
Having to go around said wall adds walking time, even though distance to point doesn't increase
Avatar Paper Shadow made an annotation at 9823 5128 307 while standing at 10087 5255 321 March 2023
I think if you got rid of this wall and maybe move the spawns up a lil' you'll cut down on those size comments
Avatar Luna Lana made an annotation at 8647 5547 116 while standing at 8430 5789 139 March 2023
door logic seems inconsistent, opens itself infrequently
Avatar [UHG]barracks obimbo left feedback: March 2023
set respawntimes to 4/8 for attackers/defenders of point
Avatar Hadull left feedback: March 2023
never put the capture point in a sniper sightline
Avatar Craftosaur left feedback: March 2023
spawned on the control point
Avatar Katsu! :3 left feedback: March 2023
I can completely bypass the Control Point
Avatar Scatter left feedback: March 2023
map seems overscaled, a little too big and a little long to travel
Avatar JOHN STALLOWNED left feedback: March 2023
map feels overscaled a tad
Avatar Hadull left feedback: March 2023
too wide for koth
Avatar Luna Lana left feedback: March 2023
map is very large resulting in very little fighting happening on the point
Avatar Vlad left feedback: March 2023
I just respawned on mid point