75/0/25 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Zeus


Avatar blamo left feedback: May 2019
I guess sniper is fine despite distances
Avatar Jeff Magnum: Air Crash Investig made an annotation at 166 389 230 while standing at 170 421 237 May 2019
consider raising these rocks so you don't have to crouch for cover
Avatar md made an annotation at -75 1076 152 while standing at -2 1070 225 May 2019
widen this path a bit? it feels pretty narrow
Avatar blamo left feedback: May 2019
was meant to be played
Avatar blamo left feedback: May 2019
spamming, granted they're not killing you but it's still annoying, granted I'm playing sniper and that could just be how it
Avatar blamo left feedback: May 2019
overall distances are managable but it makes fighting soldiers a little less fun than they should be since theyre just spam
Avatar sharkgirl gaming left feedback: May 2019
shutter door def needs to go
Avatar md left feedback: May 2019
I think the mid is kinda cool, but I'm not a fan of the shutter door
Avatar Jeff Magnum: Air Crash Investig made an annotation at -48 1009 203 while standing at -96 1024 227 May 2019
clip this fence
Avatar boomsta made an annotation at 164 837 76 while standing at 26 683 98 May 2019
I feel like these stairs make it too easy to flank the attacking team
Avatar chin left feedback: May 2019
the shutter door leads to pretty big stalemate, and the indoor area is very easily spammed and controlled, all exits visibl
Avatar md made an annotation at -1056 -1083 241 while standing at -1024 -1009 288 May 2019
lots of seams around here
Avatar md made an annotation at -770 -806 225 while standing at -797 -687 275 May 2019
seam here
Avatar Эмil left feedback: May 2019
displacement bug