
Conduit - A5

by saph

Avatar Umaroth-24 left feedback: (Completed - View) November 2017
Avatar Xayir left feedback: November 2017
i would make a highground that can be accessed by every class on mid
Avatar Twist.vmf made an annotation at 126 73 233 while standing at 242 217 289 (Completed - View) November 2017
Avatar TheCreeperIV left feedback: November 2017
map needs more cactuses
Avatar chin left feedback: November 2017
wish there was highground above the point like the cliffs on viatuct, kinda boring as non jumpers not being able to get hig
Avatar Twist.vmf made an annotation at -1920 692 257 while standing at -1921 689 257 (Completed - View) November 2017
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 1261 -974 250 while standing at 1101 -940 267 (Completed - View) November 2017