75/0/25 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)

by Unknown


Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: July 2016
what does this mode do that KOTH doesn't? think about that and really try and show off that unique point
Avatar Osspial left feedback: July 2016
snipers have a lot of range across the center point
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at -993 -622 280 while standing at -986 -871 340 July 2016
Can stand on this roof. Glitching out
Avatar norfolk left feedback: July 2016
however, this map is beautiful.
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: July 2016
Mid is one big sightline, it is like I am playing an aim map
Avatar Cargo_Tokens made an annotation at 1396 425 -69 while standing at -1457 1206 140 July 2016
Block this sightline off
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: July 2016
the trees on mid hide snipers without giving you any actual places to avoid them, remove plz
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at 616 -1059 384 while standing at 611 -1047 426 July 2016
you can stand on the windows. Disable their collisions
Avatar kube made an annotation at 14 -44 -341 while standing at 17 -88 -325 July 2016
Clip the bottom part of the fountain so I can't get myself stuck in it by crouching
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at 71 -882 166 while standing at 77 -871 202 July 2016
and I supposed to stand on this?
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: July 2016
whole map feels like there is a lot of clutter on it, think about what stuff is actually useful for the map
Avatar Cargo_Tokens made an annotation at 348 595 -105 while standing at -1562 1353 28 July 2016
Why is that board there if it doesn;'t even stop bullets?
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at 1611 -182 -47 while standing at 1544 -90 1 July 2016
should this thing be here?
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: July 2016
give me somewhere on mid i can be without being in a sniper sightline
Avatar breakbitch hardcore made an annotation at -250 -375 -385 while standing at -275 -482 -334 July 2016
pit is way too deep
Avatar PyroDevil made an annotation at -3012 -2233 -78 while standing at -3188 -2102 164 July 2016
what is this?
Avatar Doktor Richter left feedback: July 2016
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at 487 792 -201 while standing at 383 910 -76 July 2016
trying to run around these as a scout is really really annoting
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at 1892 -709 33 while standing at 1886 -938 54 July 2016
broken reflection on this window
Avatar norfolk left feedback: July 2016
only 1 spawn exit is a no-no
Avatar Cargo_Tokens made an annotation at 1417 -232 -174 while standing at 1294 -225 -108 July 2016
Clip these stairs
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at -741 -349 -212 while standing at -300 -718 -181 July 2016
difficult to walk between the lamppost and barrier
Avatar jeff alfredo left feedback: July 2016
all the routes to the point feel very closed off, make one of them larger?
Avatar Mikroscopic made an annotation at -2774 177 215 while standing at -2774 167 203 July 2016
Looks like this door is set to close after a certain time, set that to -1 and it will stay open
Avatar Cargo_Tokens made an annotation at -425 606 -232 while standing at -468 588 -187 July 2016
Let me walk through this gap
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at 1886 -476 55 while standing at 1602 -548 11 July 2016
What is this staircase. Could lead somewhere useful perhaps
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 290 1327 -195 while standing at 392 1325 -187 July 2016
add a doorway here to the other side
Avatar <#05F>GeeNoVoid made an annotation at 2851 -16 203 while standing at 3232 -16 203 July 2016
sandbags on sides of road are annoying, have to be jumped over. add clips or make them shorter
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at 2325 583 -52 while standing at 2231 720 -6 July 2016
annoying Geometry to navigate
Avatar Osspial made an annotation at 1042 -731 -147 while standing at 1007 -794 -92 July 2016
this area is cramped
Avatar Osspial made an annotation at -443 -1167 -238 while standing at -372 -1242 -180 July 2016
these blockers only impede player movement
Avatar Hosomi made an annotation at -257 1265 -145 while standing at -483 698 -140 July 2016
confusing and useless. Suggest pickups or close off
Avatar norfolk left feedback: July 2016
impossible to tell which team has the flag just by the outline
Avatar Doktor Richter made an annotation at -1929 -768 -121 while standing at -2017 -676 -70 July 2016
I should not have to jump to get up on this curb
Avatar PyroDevil left feedback: July 2016
clip the edges of the road. It's annoying to have to keep jumping over the edges
Avatar Cargo_Tokens made an annotation at -1021 757 -145 while standing at -992 861 -51 July 2016
Move the health and ammo down and clip this area off
Avatar kube left feedback: July 2016
Really like the detailing you have so far
Avatar Hosomi left feedback: July 2016
Not sure if low frames is from lag or poor optimization
Avatar norfolk left feedback: July 2016
minor, but there's already a map called koth_fiesta
Avatar kube made an annotation at 996 -1027 -49 while standing at 937 -1141 -85 July 2016
Beam here is not solid
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 1545 568 -81 while standing at 1543 576 -67 July 2016
lower this
Avatar nwac left feedback: July 2016
so few fps
Avatar chin made an annotation at -1561 -572 -113 while standing at -1642 -639 -60 July 2016