50/0/50 Round Win % (4 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Anreol


Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
all the cover on the point is directly in front/back of the point rather to the sides
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at 612 -1343 2 while standing at 729 -1323 11 May 2016
bad wall lighting
Avatar Jusa left feedback: May 2016
also, go through the brushwork on the whole map. some of it seems really messy with tiny gaps n such
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
i'd try and move the cover so that its more towards the enemy side - look at viaduct/lakeside
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
the only good cover on the point is a tiny corner, and leaving it in either direction means you're subject to snipers
Avatar GreenMelon made an annotation at -697 384 77 while standing at -827 407 132 May 2016
building blockers .-.
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
remove cover if you need to, see where snipers play the best, then add cover to balance it
Avatar GreenMelon left feedback: May 2016
Avatar Jusa left feedback: May 2016
all three routes from the spawn feel exactly the same. maybe add some variation for them to actually matter
Avatar GreenMelon left feedback: May 2016
spys are not useful because the fighlines are too open
Avatar AlexCookie made an annotation at 1931 -599 104 while standing at 1918 -560 100 May 2016
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at 1918 -784 92 while standing at 2002 -877 11 May 2016
lighting looks weird on roof here
Avatar GreenMelon made an annotation at 1237 1858 298 while standing at 1325 2007 356 May 2016
why cant i build here ?
Avatar GreenMelon left feedback: May 2016
i think the verticality in the ground terrain is too much, which makes it very uncomfortable to appreach the point
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: May 2016
make door frames unsolid
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2016
map reminds me a lot of viaduct
Avatar Jusa made an annotation at 742 1273 117 while standing at 333 904 121 May 2016
maybe add a door here to connect the point more closely to the flank routes
Avatar AlexCookie made an annotation at -2093 3645 472 while standing at -2097 3645 477 May 2016
Avatar Jusa made an annotation at 855 1856 301 while standing at 984 1886 356 May 2016
these flanks feel rather over powered since they extend behind the point on the enemy side
Avatar AlexCookie made an annotation at 1808 -642 467 while standing at 1786 -639 487 May 2016
another gap
Avatar A random wallaby made an annotation at 2120 -682 10 while standing at 2171 -1120 11 May 2016
this wall doesnt line up with the doorframe
Avatar Rabbit made an annotation at 7 219 -193 while standing at 1255 935 -129 May 2016
You can jump out of the map
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at 652 1526 263 while standing at 690 1380 112 May 2016
what is this ridge?
Avatar Rabbit made an annotation at 872 2142 77 while standing at 967 2072 129 May 2016
Easyer acces to this ramp and to med kits in general
Avatar AlexCookie made an annotation at -576 3705 462 while standing at -577 3645 499 May 2016
There is a gap
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -690 3293 -24 while standing at -690 3293 -24 May 2016
what is this?
Avatar AlexCookie left feedback: May 2016
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -39 1135 152 while standing at 87 1348 391 May 2016
point feels weird to get to and to have vision of
Avatar Doktor Richter left feedback: May 2016
I feel like the area outside spawn is a bit bigger than it needs to be
Avatar Rabbit made an annotation at -824 772 293 while standing at -1144 552 353 May 2016
This room is so big for no reason
Avatar A random wallaby made an annotation at 1934 -680 53 while standing at 1924 -784 11 May 2016
this wall doesnt line up with the roof
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -1006 1058 134 while standing at -1145 1683 132 May 2016
if upper is open without door, bottom shouldnt
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -1854 4970 139 while standing at -1945 4952 191 May 2016
on this door the trigger is way too close to the model
Avatar norfolk made an annotation at -1806 4653 5 while standing at -2100 4472 0 May 2016
this drop off feels way too high
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -999 943 305 while standing at -1086 967 356 May 2016
why cant i place a sentry here
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -326 718 307 while standing at -385 754 356 May 2016
should be able to build here
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
bug with sappers, engineers cant kill them
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2016
try not to use nobuild as your first solution to an engineer issue, using different methods can be more interesting
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -973 1035 268 while standing at -1336 1165 288 May 2016
try opening the upper walkway so rocket jumpers can easily scale up the building
Avatar BlockBuilder57 made an annotation at -1974 5612 92 while standing at -1946 5560 91 May 2016
a little line here
Avatar Rabbit made an annotation at -1755 1943 36 while standing at -1765 2351 51 May 2016
color code the two sides so it is more easy to orient during testing
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
nobuild should just be nobuild
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -1966 3519 88 while standing at -2021 3421 4 May 2016
lighting is terrible here and why is the roof leveled differently
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -1181 5218 152 while standing at -1308 5285 191 May 2016
the lockers are a bit far away from the doors, its not bad placement but someone with low health has to go farther to heal
Avatar The Announcer made an annotation at 439 320 93 while standing at 465 320 132 May 2016
why nobuild
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: May 2016
out side of spawn doors, shutter doors are rarely used anywhere else in koth
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: May 2016
random nobuilds
Avatar breakbitch hardcore made an annotation at 1085 985 93 while standing at 1197 1038 145 May 2016
honestly remove these shutters
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at 470 1519 165 while standing at 465 1481 91 May 2016
what is with gap between wall
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
mid itself is scaled decently, but all of the routes leading up to it are maybe 1.5/2x the size they should be
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -610 4347 9 while standing at -640 4345 11 May 2016
seam is visible
Avatar Idolon left feedback: May 2016
don't be afraid to have hallways that are only 128 units wide or so - viaduct uses them quite a bit
Avatar Vulpes las Luna left feedback: May 2016
should we allowed up here?
Avatar Idolon made an annotation at -1421 957 377 while standing at -337 714 368 May 2016
this route seems like it's supposed to be a tight flank, but this distance is long enough to snipe decently
Avatar Vulpes las Luna made an annotation at -141 1405 145 while standing at 124 1055 393 May 2016
weird capture point
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: May 2016
no clipping