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by Unknown


Avatar The Announcer left feedback: June 2016
god damn make door frames unsolid
Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2016
with the sniper sightlines and soldiers/demos spamming from unreachable areas, there's not a lot i can do as heavy
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2016
moving slightly forward of mid means people are attacking you from all directions
Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2016
all the indoor areas are too dark actually
Avatar Mystyc Cheez made an annotation at 1929 -2789 174 while standing at 1911 -2789 191 June 2016
trigger for this is small too
Avatar Berry made an annotation at 1653 -1245 -40 while standing at 1631 -1296 6 June 2016
messy brushwork across the map
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 524 -1208 -40 while standing at 84 -1251 11 June 2016
very dark room
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 1246 -2445 265 while standing at 1026 -2373 198 June 2016
that's a strong light... unnecessarily strong
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
all your textures are the same. It's boring and confusing.
Avatar ⛐ worMatty left feedback: June 2016
Don't nobuild play areas ya gimp
Avatar Mystyc Cheez left feedback: June 2016
why is there random nobuilds?
Avatar Nyan Quicksell.store made an annotation at 1629 -2875 91 while standing at 1629 -3242 91 June 2016
may need some more health on the map
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2016
No team colors makes it hard to tell which side of the map you are on
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2016
mid has too much height variation (in the things above the cp)
Avatar cereal left feedback: June 2016
yards are too big, the middle corridor gives a huge sniper line put some sight stoppers, roofs are too strong for soldiers
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2016
Not only this makes soldiers incredibly dominant mid, it is extremely boring for all other classes
Avatar koth_shithole_a7 left feedback: June 2016
If you are not a soldier or demoman, there is absolutely no real height to work with.
Avatar DegruM made an annotation at 1765 -2477 173 while standing at 1529 -2586 188 June 2016
this door is broken
Avatar You can't call me AL made an annotation at 1242 -2459 183 while standing at 1083 -2474 198 June 2016
thats a weird door
Avatar x6herbius made an annotation at 608 -2285 0 while standing at 1084 -2235 170 June 2016
Avatar Mystyc Cheez made an annotation at -1309 4994 152 while standing at -1389 4998 198 June 2016
this door is clipping through the floor and the trigger is a bit small
Avatar Bobby BodyOdor made an annotation at -183 -3 337 while standing at -104 31 388 June 2016
this is really high up, I feel i shouldnt be able to get here
Avatar The Announcer left feedback: June 2016
still that one sightline to point
Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2016
needs team colours
Avatar x6herbius made an annotation at 602 -1774 -5 while standing at 678 -1709 4 June 2016
this looks like it might have been built off-grid - switch snapping on always :P
Avatar Muddy left feedback: June 2016
also those doors open too slow;y
Avatar Berry left feedback: June 2016
the walls having a stretched texture makes it look very low quality
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -1242 4931 192 while standing at -1091 4909 188 June 2016
these doors should be the other way round, so you can't see into spawn