33/0/67 Round Win % (15 rounds) (Click for more information)


by Unknown


Avatar Duck Lemon made an annotation at -2102 233 68 while standing at -2112 259 81 December 2022
this streched jpg is misplaced
Avatar Herobrine left feedback: August 2022
surely this side area could use a medkit or ammo kit for a little sustain
Avatar ProffesorDunce made an annotation at -1973 697 71 while standing at -1998 697 81 August 2022
displacments on these items could make them look less akward
Avatar Herobrine left feedback: August 2022
could use a wider area for spawn points, enemy can very easily shoot inside and hit everyone
Avatar LucyLooIsHere left feedback: August 2022
very fun layout, love the theming
Avatar chiyate made an annotation at -1646 523 31 while standing at -1757 528 84 August 2022
plays very well
Avatar Doom made an annotation at -16 -324 108 while standing at 113 -398 164 August 2022
remove this fence is very awkward
Avatar Yellow Dice left feedback: August 2022
goood map now get some graphics up in this bitch
Avatar Gruppy left feedback: August 2022
fun level
Avatar Herobrine left feedback: August 2022
clipping issue on these prop walls makes it difficult to rocket jump
Avatar ProffesorDunce made an annotation at -3139 256 145 while standing at -3600 256 145 August 2022
good layout, just a bit hard to push when engie is set up but that is to be expected
Avatar radarhead made an annotation at 1958 -259 92 while standing at 1961 -256 94 August 2022
This health seems to get used more by campers
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at -2934 573 86 while standing at -3285 518 148 August 2022
having some framedrops here
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2022
pro versions of maps like product are typically made when the original creator (usually valve) is unwilling or unable to change the map. they aren't an ideal solution since they create a divide between the stock version and the version played in comp. if a someone plays the pub version of your map then plays a comp version with minor differences, they're going to be confused and wonder which is the definitive version
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2022
also I noticed you made a separate pro version of this for highlander which I think is a mistake. you can definitely make this fun for casual while still having it work for comp. having two versions will only create more work for yourself and make it more difficult for you to market your map.
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2022
(how the lower staircase leads into the side of the upper staircase)
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -796 771 29 while standing at -812 687 66 July 2022
this pathing is a little awkward
Avatar Will Alfred made an annotation at 1200 -502 159 while standing at 1532 -360 155 July 2022
chef saltbakers bakery
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe made an annotation at 164 -416 120 while standing at 172 -364 171 July 2022
not a fan of this ramp and elevated area feels really good for defenders idk
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -1518 830 118 while standing at -1607 555 84 July 2022
another rather blu sign in red side
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at -1357 -181 51 while standing at -1212 -188 20 July 2022
blu sign in red side
Avatar thug2 phil margera made an annotation at 2417 -848 158 while standing at 2418 -855 155 July 2022
i would like to see epic ocean view here
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: July 2022
feel like this route completely bypassing mid might be not great. Can't tell.
Avatar my medic is a 3rd grader made an annotation at 946 207 83 while standing at 946 209 84 July 2022
This highground serves no purpose, Add a window to rotate into the room next to it or something.
Avatar Engineer Space Program made an annotation at 1713 268 1156 while standing at -164 31 75 July 2022
raise the cap point hologram like 4-8HU
Avatar -no sound- Alex.bsp left feedback: July 2022
went 31:12 as scout. It's really easy for scout. Only thing stopping was a sentry near their spawn
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 697 -793 76 while standing at 849 -861 84 July 2022
these props are super detail dense & are hard to see through, especially up close while moving. i'd make brush ones instead
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: July 2022
scenery looks great
Avatar my medic is a 3rd grader made an annotation at 919 736 -98 while standing at 968 594 -43 July 2022
Not a fan of this corner.
Avatar jevil plushie (real)â„¢ (Cassie made an annotation at 1631 -1109 124 while standing at 1695 -1069 155 July 2022
If there's going to be a wall here, I'd recommend making it visible
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 778 -2392 -371 while standing at 419 -1107 124 July 2022
minor thing, but i recommend increasing the size of the water texture so it doesn't repeat so much
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: July 2022
Not a lot of good cover on mid outside of the elevated porch on the point
Avatar erk made an annotation at -159 -546 143 while standing at -564 -620 -43 July 2022
this route with the ramp is so irritating to fight against
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: July 2022
d very easily
Avatar Super Lux Deluxe left feedback: July 2022
entrances to mid seem a bit too far apart so it's hard to monitor flanking classes - they can get into your spawn and behin
Avatar Engineer Space Program left feedback: July 2022
Hard to retake; teams felt really balanced that last round and I feel like we should have had one last chance at capping
Avatar Muddy left feedback: July 2022
mid is my least favourite part of the map to be on, because it's so open and devoid of any kind of cover
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at -213 473 8 while standing at -70 649 68 July 2022
the corner created by this railing is a little awkward
Avatar Muddy made an annotation at 1774 -408 182 while standing at 1573 -459 148 July 2022
lots of red for a poster on blu side
Avatar PSQ, pd enjoyer made an annotation at -2190 -468 133 while standing at -2200 -458 155 July 2022
clip this
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 864 -690 90 while standing at 1173 -799 99 July 2022
this building is much nicer than the big wooden walls that were here on winterview
Avatar PSQ, pd enjoyer left feedback: July 2022
i'm having fun as sniper. i'm not a very good sniper. this is a red flag
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2022
the fountain is kinda awkward to fight around and it's sort of weird that the cp hologram is coming out of it
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 316 70 -53 while standing at 743 304 -43 July 2022
maybe break this long staircase up with a planter or something in the middle
Avatar Defcon made an annotation at 927 1162 73 while standing at 1350 703 84 July 2022
there are already so many stairs on mid i don't think you need decorative ones that lead to a dead end
Avatar Will Alfred left feedback: July 2022
its so hard to cap once the enemy team has the point
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2022
map names might not seem important but they definitely affect how people view your map (no pun intended)
Avatar Will Alfred made an annotation at -1954 767 91 while standing at -1959 769 128 July 2022
this makes me so happy
Avatar Will Alfred made an annotation at -3598 -276 169 while standing at -3601 -256 195 July 2022
audio doesnt loop :(
Avatar Defcon left feedback: July 2022
oceanview is a pretty good name i would use that
Avatar Will Alfred made an annotation at -3623 -222 91 while standing at -3587 -56 148 July 2022
please have a frog in here dedicated to will alfred the frog :>
Avatar Will Alfred left feedback: July 2022
i dont see any fish??
Avatar DROPPING UBER BC IM BORED made an annotation at 1173 420 10 while standing at 1171 403 20 July 2022
i am not viewing any fish
Avatar DROPPING UBER BC IM BORED made an annotation at 1980 582 73 while standing at 1996 576 84 July 2022
i am viewing the fish
Avatar chin made an annotation at 31 67 25 while standing at -4 97 75 July 2022
clip off fountain inside
Avatar Hadull made an annotation at 1043 -364 49 while standing at -1009 624 91 July 2022
you can stand on the edge here
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ left feedback: July 2022
I would like some cover on the point somehow. Like make the fountain better idk
Avatar Student Silver4ok made an annotation at 2455 -656 100 while standing at 2479 -721 151 July 2022
weird thing with textures here lol
Avatar Panckakebro made an annotation at 472 -799 67 while standing at 495 -793 84 July 2022
weird normals on prop
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -1000 631 -86 while standing at -568 318 -46 July 2022
I feel like I get stuck if I go down here
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at -29 39 18 while standing at 54 -55 97 July 2022
pls clip fountain
Avatar sweglord227 made an annotation at -380 -279 -92 while standing at -588 -814 84 July 2022
this area is too far from the point for how strong the opposing sightline is
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 331 860 123 while standing at 304 1008 177 July 2022
I like fighting in these areas, but attacking the point still feels odd with how open it is
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 1201 516 37 while standing at 1259 519 84 July 2022
this spot feels clausterphobic
Avatar Engineer Space Program made an annotation at 3160 -22 138 while standing at 1780 -1172 148 July 2022
sightline to spawn; yes
Avatar pomino made an annotation at -1490 -1225 152 while standing at -1770 -986 148 July 2022
should probably be more obvious that you cant walk here
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 1059 -823 32 while standing at 1171 -837 95 July 2022
this area feels really nice
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 2403 -548 113 while standing at 2063 -712 148 July 2022
this is a crazy spawn camping sight line i think
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 499 -1061 31 while standing at 598 -1071 81 July 2022
I kinda want a break in the railing here.
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 84 -377 117 while standing at 141 -368 161 July 2022
this area still feels awkward, but better... may just be the ramp
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at -6 532 11 while standing at 211 399 100 July 2022
i like that the point doesnt extend over here, i would keep it that way :)
Avatar sweglord227 made an annotation at 173 -68 23 while standing at 213 -98 68 July 2022
small bump here on the end of the stairs. makes ramp slides impossible
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at 164 585 21 while standing at 109 571 65 July 2022
these can make it a bit tricky to jump up with a detonator
Avatar náµ—Ê°Sonata made an annotation at 945 1285 159 while standing at 952 1225 188 July 2022
I keep interpreting the sillouette of this bike as a player standing up here
Avatar sweglord227 left feedback: July 2022
map is very sided towards the team who caps first, offering little ways for an attacking team to control the point area
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -2044 -253 90 while standing at -2194 -313 140 July 2022
it's easy to miss these two entrances due to the smaller hut next to me... also kinda wish they were more separated
Avatar Engineer Space Program made an annotation at -1149 1258 34 while standing at -1168 1184 84 July 2022
maybe a good spot for ammo? Need something substancale on this side of the map near to mid
Avatar Vaporwave cat Jade left feedback: July 2022
really like this map :)
Avatar Kaia! made an annotation at -1636 -846 90 while standing at -1628 -1020 145 July 2022
this area feels awkward... feel like it could be slightly wider
Avatar Don Donovan "The Don" Donatello made an annotation at -1778 -63 1050 while standing at -2355 -646 145 July 2022
make bell ring
Avatar sweglord227 left feedback: July 2022
fountain gets in the way a bit much imo
Avatar Phae left feedback: July 2022
map is fun
Avatar Engineer Space Program left feedback: July 2022
I feel underpowered as Heavy/Engineer
Avatar Engineer Space Program made an annotation at -1143 558 104 while standing at -1112 567 144 July 2022
Finally, the forbidden spot
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at -3702 -221 92 while standing at -3846 -173 148 July 2022
whats the point of this area if it doesnt lead to anywhere? its just gunna confuse new players. should have an exit added
Avatar SirUnknown left feedback: July 2022
theres like no ammo pickups on mid, i have to go so far back if im out of ammo
Avatar Texlow made an annotation at 658 964 109 while standing at 633 1008 180 July 2022
clip these stairs
Avatar Engineer Space Program left feedback: July 2022
*ammo not health
Avatar Engineer Space Program made an annotation at -10 -427 128 while standing at -22 -422 164 July 2022
give me a second small here
Avatar Engineer Space Program left feedback: July 2022
I'm kind of at a loss at how to approach as an attacker as 'slower' classes like Heavy/Engineer
Avatar sweglord227 made an annotation at -1627 -1076 118 while standing at -1677 -1069 145 July 2022
invis wall??
Avatar ඞSUSSYඞ made an annotation at -716 1000 75 while standing at -814 1005 91 July 2022
unclipped stairs
Avatar 3-UP made an annotation at -499 626 146 while standing at -435 603 187 July 2022
don't think this table is supposed to be here
Avatar a freakin' knight made an annotation at 1311 625 74 while standing at 1297 632 91 July 2022
You should put an angled clip here so people don't get stuck on it
Avatar tf3 beta tester 2002 made an annotation at 854 -1107 100 while standing at 856 -1098 107 July 2022
Annoying crack angle for snipers if they stand on these.
Avatar chin made an annotation at -475 -939 33 while standing at -566 -933 84 July 2022
these fences are kinda annoying, cant really tell if yo ucan shoot through or not
Avatar Brokkhouse made an annotation at 432 1012 133 while standing at 460 1063 180 July 2022
small ammokit here would greatly benefit engineers
Avatar 3-UP left feedback: July 2022
kinda annoying to tell where to shoot through the fences
Avatar chin made an annotation at -313 672 131 while standing at -380 703 180 July 2022
i like this change to this area a lot better
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: July 2022
really fun map, not a lot of criticism
Avatar catfish left feedback: July 2022
lakeside but epic good job
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: July 2022
all the stair props on the map seem to have a little lip that isnt clipped
Avatar the sneeze of 87 made an annotation at -886 734 -64 while standing at -927 565 -46 July 2022
this feels a little tall but maybe im just used to the old versions
Avatar obligatory furry made an annotation at 738 1020 55 while standing at 873 1064 84 July 2022
clip these stairs
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: July 2022
the shape of it is just epic
Avatar Diva Dan left feedback: July 2022
this map is awesome
Avatar Эмil made an annotation at 417 -953 61 while standing at 408 -953 77 July 2022
those fences are annoying, I dont know if they are solid when fighting enemies from below
Avatar floating hat made an annotation at -757 -696 196 while standing at -792 -692 244 July 2022
why can u stand here
Avatar Brokkhouse left feedback: July 2022
I really like these changes
Avatar Panckakebro made an annotation at 58 34 90 while standing at 54 34 89 July 2022
clip fountain
Avatar Badasscook made an annotation at 3057 118 130 while standing at 2482 457 84 July 2022
really like the detailing of the spawn area
Avatar quruc90 made an annotation at -666 976 108 while standing at -710 1029 139 July 2022
clip these stairs
Avatar Badasscook made an annotation at 813 932 29 while standing at 825 1063 84 July 2022
clip stairs